Anonymous ID: 403d16 May 21, 2019, 6:10 a.m. No.6549868   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9883

Ms. Anderson: “All necessary approvals, including up through and including the leadership of the FBI and the leadership of the Department, by the time I put that signature on the cover page had already been obtained.”

These early high-level approvals were distinctly outside of the normal FISA process. Anderson and others were supposed to have provided approvals before the FISA was presented to senior FBI and DOJ officials. Anderson appeared to be fully aware of the uniqueness of this particular application process:

Ms. Anderson: “There were individuals, all the way up to the Deputy Director and the Deputy Attorney General on the DOJ side, who had essentially given their approval to the FISA before it got to that step in the process. That part of it was unusual, and so I didn’t consider my review at that point in the process to be substantive in nature.”


Anderson told congressional investigators that with regard to the Page FISA, by signing off she “was simply signaling, yes, this package is ready to go forward.”

Anderson attempted to provide an explanation for the unusual process, noting, “We understood, because of who Carter Page was, that people would second-guess the appropriateness of submitting the FISA application, and so we were taking extra care with the application itself.”

Yet, at the same time, Anderson admitted that not only had she not read the original Page FISA application, but she was also unable to recall if she had read any of the Page FISA renewals.

Anonymous ID: 403d16 May 21, 2019, 6:13 a.m. No.6549883   🗄️.is 🔗kun





moar from Epochtimes link (which is in notables already)





Anderson Defines ‘Spy’


Trump on several occasions has made reference to a spy placed within his campaign. We know the FBI used Stefan Halper as “a government informant” in relation to his contacts with Trump campaign advisers George Papadopoulos and Carter Page, but the FBI has denied the use of an actual spy.

Anderson also stated she had no knowledge of a spy, but was later asked to define her understanding of the word:

Mr. Breitenbach: “Does a spy, in your mind, include a human confidential source?”

Ms. Anderson: “No.”


Anderson was referring back to the FBI’s use of Halper.

Anderson was very careful during her testimony but, at times, her statements were contradicted by testimony from other individuals interviewed by the House committees. Her involvement in matters relating to both the Clinton and Trump–Russia investigations exceeded what had been publicly known and appears to have been at a level comparable to that of her former boss, FBI General Counsel James Baker.

Anonymous ID: 403d16 May 21, 2019, 6:30 a.m. No.6549946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9953 >>9980 >>9992 >>0099




John Giacalone's testimony


John Giacalone. Last job with the Bureau was the Executive Assistant Director of the National Security Branch. I am currently a vice president of global safety and security and business continuity at the Hilton Hotels.



the DOJ is so messed up no wonder why it is going to take years to straighten it out

Anonymous ID: 403d16 May 21, 2019, 6:39 a.m. No.6549980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0002 >>0023 >>0033 >>0067 >>0220 >>0388 >>0446


>John Giacalone's testimony


So this guy 'retires' from FBI in Feb 2016 right after DS makes its plans to go after Trump and goes to work for HILTON HOTELS INTERNATIONAL IN THE SECURITY DIVISION.


Appears to me like he would be the perfect person to schedule their stays at Hilton HOtels around the world…..even set up SCIFs for their meetings?


did those traitors use any HILTON HOTELS in LONDON?


Anonymous ID: 403d16 May 21, 2019, 6:52 a.m. No.6550033   🗄️.is 🔗kun


he retires, goes to work for international hotel, and still keeps his security clearance, as though he is still employed by DOJ.


what a messed up system we have

Anonymous ID: 403d16 May 21, 2019, 6:59 a.m. No.6550067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0082 >>0084 >>0113 >>0127 >>0220 >>0388 >>0446



This John Giacalone retired EARLY! AND HE IS BEING ASKED 'WHY'?


I gots a feelin this guy is an important link.


they are asking why he left the place at age 50 and how he got to keep his clearance. Appears to me that the GO[ questioners KNOW THAT he was still employed … C_A?




Where did all the DS players stay when they attended the funeral? A SCIF in a HIlton HOtel set up by this guy?

Anonymous ID: 403d16 May 21, 2019, 7:15 a.m. No.6550127   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0220 >>0325 >>0388 >>0446



Giancalone is a 'SPECIAL AGENT' AND 'EAD'


Sure sounds like he was a C_A plant into the FBI. Is that why he met another C_A plant, Peter Strzok, for lunch right before his testimony?


He was always on the C_A payroll…..