Anonymous ID: 9591a9 May 21, 2019, 5:55 a.m. No.6549813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9818 >>9846 >>9852 >>0006 >>0016 >>0019 >>0021 >>0024

Every single fucking day with the satanshill and muhjoo shills fucking up the bread at the top.


HOW IN THE FUCK can we get the asleep folks to even THINK about digging when this BULLSHIT is at the top of practically EVERY FUCKING BREAD. 9 POSTS EACH WITHIN THE FIRST 10 MINUTES.


I [have to] filter constantly just so that I can actually read the bread quicker, as most of us don't have all fucking day to scroll through all of it, and it's BULLSHIT to begin with. Tired of hearing "over the target" blah blah blah. It's an infringement on all of the true digging efforts by all true anons to have their hard work buried in between RIDICULOUS BULLSHIT on EVERY SINGLE FUCKING BREAD.


Q team could easily wake up everybody with more than satisfactory results at this point, now it's become 'a game' that it never should have devolved to.


A rant? YES. How much can an anon take [when all I am looking for is ACTUAL news/habbenings] and constantly have to see that BULLSHIT at the TOP OF EVERY FUCKING BREAD.