Anonymous ID: 977c14 May 21, 2019, 6:44 a.m. No.6549997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0440



Really, exposing the voter fraud will accomplish little. ENDING any possibility of voter fraud will eliminate dims from almost every race - except in their well-entrenched conclaves - the coasts, and Chi and Minnea.

I don't know of anyone who engages in what I consider filthy, perverted behavior - even and especially pedos - who will ever be willing to give up that behavior. It is who they are, how they define themselves, their entire lives. We can't win this war by legislating behavior, by attacking with facts and differing beliefs. These people are set in stone.

We either find a way to remove their influence and activities from the public square, or…

There is no compromise on much of what divides us. That's the problem. And trying to reason with people so beyond the pale, is useless.

I've learned this from my own experience. I cannot ever think I will reason with the druggie/hookers who now live in my building and are ruining everyone's lives. They will never get it. They are who they are.

Anonymous ID: 977c14 May 21, 2019, 6:52 a.m. No.6550037   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Remember this not too long ago. DJT is manning all the waterways in America. Getting ready for who knows what.

Trump to loosen restrictions for vets to join US Merchant Marine


Anonymous ID: 977c14 May 21, 2019, 7:19 a.m. No.6550147   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Our times parallel the Roman Republic in the first century bc. Debauchery, desperate efforts to maintain the republic, desperate clinging to the old ways, but constantly lured in the march of progress - towards tyranny. Benign tyranny, but the need for ONE MAN to be dictator.

And he gets in through what amounts to a side door - he needs a tribune. One guy who can veto. So much posturing. And it really comes down to greed and the quest for power.

And sometimes it's disguised as what's best for the people.

Anonymous ID: 977c14 May 21, 2019, 7:41 a.m. No.6550248   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Gaetz told Sean the “most compelling” evidence in the Trump-Russia collusion investigation will be revealed within days or weeks.

This is what's so frustrating. "days or weeks"

They've got the goods, but they won't make them public.

If there's a reason - and anons understand those reasons - tell the normies.

Days or weeks - that's insulting. Even normies deserve a better explanation of more viable excuse that anything that vague.

Anonymous ID: 977c14 May 21, 2019, 7:55 a.m. No.6550309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0435


Here's an excellent summary of what may be going on with all the Q Plan. Thought it bore repeating:

>>6513127 bread 8329:

Anonymous 05/16/19 (Thu) 11:04:38 08ba27 (4) No.6513127>>6513188 >>6513203 >>6513355

Q prevented a falsely engineered civil war in America - THEORY

On the surface, Q is a backchannel communication program designed by the Trump administration maintaining plausible deniability while feeding misinformation to bad actors to create chaos and narrative confusion among their ranks. Some Q connections are confirmed while others are broken or plainly false. We already know Trump's white house strategy involves controlled leaks of all kinds coming from various angles to expose deep state agents, discredit the media and exercise control of the narrative.

Interesting Anon: Think of Q as just one version of this strategy playing out in the Patriot anon's online technosphere. Every time a major player or news organization prints a story that turns out to be completely false, that is more evidence of Q-like intelligence channels feeding misinformation intentionally to achieve an objective.

Secondarily, Q is a catch-all to deescalate 'at risk' military aged patriots from organizing any counter revolution or violent fomentation by opening up at least some level of communication direct to his support base. Q occupies us and leads us away from violent and vengeful thinking while Trump and his team carries out Plan A.

If it is plainly evident that Soros and others (ABC the Good Fight kek) have attempted to ESCALATE the brainwashed masses into a "resistance" frenzy… the Q program intends to prevent that boiling over into open conflict. Imagine a world where all we had was Trump's twitter and the MSM. I don't believe patriots would have unilaterally agreed to allow the charade to continue as it unfolded over the past two years.

If you are mad at Q, I challenge you to see it for what it actually is. If you are upset that your time was wasted.. and you felt you would have revolted and taken judgement into your own hands without being "misled" by Q, then you are living proof that the program is a resounding success.

In reality, the worst case is that ultimately Trump fails and we are forced to finally take care of the matter ourselves.. However, it is foolish to attempt anything now while at least our apparent ally holds the seat of power in the country. Vigilance yes. Violence, No. Not just yet. If there was anything "Q" that was objectively accurate from a future past perspective, it was the assurance of the insulation of POTUS during the special counsel investigation when every news agency vehemently reported that Mueller was indeed going to take out Trump. In my opinion, patriots would not have been able to contain that level of pressure. Without Q, I think there is no doubt we would have experienced Nationalist patriot coordinated attacks on globalist controlled infrastructure.

With the global media at large, the "white Nazi resurgence" narrative would have been completed and America itself would be in a position not unlike pre-war 1930s Germany in view of the rest of the world. Very easy to convince the globalist controlled European states to rise up against the great Nazi America beast as righteous anti-racist coalition and essentially re-enact World War II geopolitics in a sickening casting reversal. If you pay close attention to major media and entertainment, (Charlottesville rally, Amazon's Man in the High Castle, Bethesda Softwork's Wolfenstein II The New Colossus, Ubisoft's The Division 2 etc.) you will see the predictive programming's attempt to create a believable "Nazi's in America" scenario.

This destabilization program is why the democrat left seems to be in another world. They actually are. Many Americans were successfully programmed to see a "New Nazi uprising" that they now must "resist" like their French progenitors in WWII. It is very real to them. Trump and the Q program actually STOPPED most of us from unwittingly performing an active role as "Nazi villains" in this globalist concocted civil war scenario. The language they continue to use in describing Trump and his base is the ultimate window into the social engineering the globalists have attempted to enact. When you feel the urge to civil war, try to keep this in mind. Now we can all watch the next months unfold and evaluate in retrospect if Trump has accomplished enough to warrant our further support of a second term and ongoing peaceful civic responsibility.

Anonymous ID: 977c14 May 21, 2019, 8:03 a.m. No.6550340   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Monsanto, now owned by German pharmaceutical firm Bayer

This is one more reason why the EU must stick together and Germany must rule overall.

Uber alles - not going away.

Anonymous ID: 977c14 May 21, 2019, 8:26 a.m. No.6550457   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Earlier in this never ending bread, lots of expressions, as usual, of nuffinhappening. And desertions of anons.

I think 8 chan carries on, in spite of all our problems with it, because Q is also monitoring who, here, is willing to stick with it.

If they really know who we are, that kind of perseverance counts for something.