Anonymous ID: afa83b May 21, 2019, 5:36 a.m. No.6549764   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>9779 >>9789

China's Revolutionary Goddess (1/2)


Dianne Feinstein has a best Chinese friend forever (apart from her erstwhile personal assistant, the spy). This is Jiang Zemin, former leader of the Chinese Communist Party. They're famous for dancing together while he sang "When We Were Young" in her ear:


Zemin was the "Butcher of Tiananmen" and led a vicious and (even by Chinese standards) completely illegal crackdown on the Falun Gong sect:


An estimated 64,000 Falun Gong prisoners may have been killed and their organs harvested between 2000 and 2008; look at this disturbing document and see proof that you can routinely order organs from healthy Falun Gong practitioners over the phone:


By 2016, more reliable estimates were that 1,500,000 prisoners could have been killed and their organs harvested:


This is freedom of religion, Dianne Feinstein style.


Falun Gong is a relatively recent movement, introduced by a single self-taught practitioner, Lee Hongzhi, in 1992. Yet it has more adherents than are members of the Chinese Communist Party. There is no doubt that the Chinese Communist Party regards Falun Gong as a mortal threat.


However, there is another far larger, far more ancient, far more embedded movement that suffers from exactly the same banning and persecution in China as Falun Gong, yet keeps completely silent about this, to avoid further trouble. This is the modern Quan Yin movement.


Now: Quan Yin (or Kuan Yin or Guanyin or Avalokitesvara in Sanskrit) is simply the most popular folk deity in China, by far. Known the Goddess of Compassion, she has an extremely interesting history, and whenever Chinese people are in trouble – especially with family problems and childlessness – it is to Quan Yin temples that they turn.


You will find Quan Yin statues in nearly all Chinese restaurants.


However, there is a modern Quan Yin meditation movement, led by a Vietnamese woman called Ching Hai, who was based in Taiwan for 10 years and has hundreds of thousands of followers there. The meditation method is similar to the Sant Mat schools of India, but this is actually clearly based on the traditional Quan Yin practice of China, as depicted in many Chinese texts. This is the group that is heavily banned in the PRC. But Quan Yin is not so easy to ban. The Chinese government is forced to recognise the centuries-old folk manifestation. The video here shows a state-sponsored deaf-dumb dance troupe performing a tribute to Quan Yin, the Thousand-Armed Goddess.


Anonymous ID: afa83b May 21, 2019, 5:37 a.m. No.6549766   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0075

China's Revolutionary Goddess (2/2)


Ching Hai is a controversial character, but if you look carefully, you'll see that her overriding political concern has been the eradication of Communism. She has railed repeatedly against the Chinese and Vietnamese Communist parties, and held a benefit concert for US Vietnam veterans at the Daughters of the American Revolution Hall in Washington DC in 1997. She was a ferocious champion of the "boat people" in Hong Kong fleeing Communist persecution in Vietnam. The Vietnamese Communists absolutely loathe her and have banned her and her movement in her home country.


Despite the persecution, however, there are untold millions of followers inside China, and thousands of Chinese sneak out of the country in great secrecy to be initiated directly by Ching Hai in places like Thailand. I heard an inside account of one such event – three thousand initiates in hotels in the red-light district of Bangkok, meditating silently together for ten hours or more a day. You would never guess they were there, and these retreats are completely under the radar, they are not advertised at all. Most of the initiates were Chinese. The single biggest problem at these events is followers throwing themselves at Ching Hai's feet and making a big song and dance – you get red-carded and banned from ever attending another retreat if you do this, but they do it anyway, it's a Chinese thing. She openly says her life with Chinese disciples is a nightmare and strongly disrecommends ever becoming a guru.


Do you have any idea of the explosive potential of all these Chinese underground movements? Right now, they are being spied on by hundreds of thousands of cameras. If you are caught with a meditation cushion, literally, this is enough for a death sentence. Neighbours are ordered to report on anyone suspected of meditating.


The Chinese Communist Party is very nervous, and they have every right to be. If the economy doesn't pick up, the natives are going to become more than restless.


Ching Hai tries to stop it, but her adherents have no doubt that Quan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion herself, is back on earth. You cannot begin to imagine the devotion she inspires, unless you've been behind the scenes. For me, as a Christian of the Grail persuasion, Quan Yin fits the bill as the Comforter promised by Jesus. Her Sanskrit name Avolokitesvara literally means "she who hears the cries of the world". In the Aquarian Gospel (supposedly based on the Akashik record, which Rudolf Steiner calls the Fifth Gospel) the Comforter is female.


You will really struggle to find a single word about this persecution online. This is one of the very few sources that even mentions the banning of Quan Yin:


So there is an explosion happening in China: a slow, silent explosion, happening in the shadows, where the cameras aren't. This revolution will not be televised. You anons are about to learn a lesson about maintaining an underground network under super-surveillance. The Middle Kingdom can be shaken to its core in the twinkling of an eye. And Donald Trump knows this, as he faces down China over trade. I honestly think he's playing America's hand quite brilliantly. If only I knew how 5G really figures in his game.


There's more, but Part 2 – the cosmic annihilation of Artificial Intelligence – will have to wait for another day. There's a screenshot for you for now.


Anonymous ID: afa83b May 21, 2019, 6:37 a.m. No.6549974   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>9991



So Dianne Feinstein's "driver" helped her husband get a $77 billion contract. Some driving.


The Brett Kavanaugh hearings drove me over the edge – I had tried to disregard Dianne Feinstein, but from that point, I vowed to do anything I could to destroy this evil witch. Even frikkin' Nancy Pelosi called Feinstein out on Chinese human rights abuses.


How can you do business with a country that murders meditation practitioners and harvests their organs? Trump is the best hope the Chinese have for human rights in their lifetime, by my estimation. Look at the alternatives.