Anonymous ID: d2fd77 May 21, 2019, 6:33 a.m. No.6549957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0479


Or no stronger galvanizing factor for his supporters or those undecided voters who believe it is all absurd.


Consider… We are avoiding some major conflicts in regards to the military. We are seeing massive amounts of baseline industrial growth. I am not talking about accounting analytics that are smoke and mirrors anyway - I am talking about the raw amount of material processing capacity we have and the sophistication of output components. The tech fallout with China and their hostilities have manufacturers looking at bringing silicon lithography back to the states. That hasn't been done for decades. There hasn't been a single market CPU or fucking transistor gate made in the U.S. for the better part of 20 years and the trend goes back 35 or longer.


Primary ore smelt of iron/steel is up. Primary smelt of aluminum is coming back online (that one had completely gone to China around 2013-14 and the last aluminum ore smelter shut down their state side operations) - the market for about 4 years was entirely chinese sourced and/or secondary sources (from scrap).


This was actually insane from an economic standpoint. The U.S. used hydro-electric and nuclear power for most of its aluminum operations. Even the administration of FDR was forced to bow to economic reality when they used the WPA to build hydro stations and tie them to aluminum and steel foundries.

By contrast, the Chinese were producing all of their aluminum from coal power. Realistically speaking, China was completely incapable of matching the power demands from its industry and growing demands of living quality from citizens. They had to internally gimmick their coal prices lower than dirt to make it appear like their various metals industries were even remotely plausible - let alone profitable. Aluminum ore requires massive amounts of energy to process into the metal, and sourcing it from coal power is an absolute last resort of desperation.


Someone was spending a pretty penny to make sure the U.S. market was undercut and destroyed. Not to mention the various bauxite mines around the globe forced to dance to China's gimmicked economy to get so much as peanuts. Bauxite mines in the former Yugoslavia have been dancing in circles with privatized and socialized production for a couple decades trying to figure out how to properly sell into a market with only one real purchaser.


I am digressing - my point is that the people who see POTUS as a threat to their way of life is far smaller than the number of people who see him as being a boon. Further, even the people not too convinced he is doing wonders would also question the narrative that he is somehow doing something worthy of impeachment.


To many, it is rather obvious that the only thing President Trump is guilty of is being elected rather than coronated. The over-the-top effort to impeach him only solidifies that.

POTUS is also playing the electoral college game. The people who are under the influence of the narrative are largely in urban areas. This may be where most of the people are as a percentage, but the electoral college was designed to counteract this - because less populous states have no reason to be part of the union if their votes do not ultimately matter next to California, Texas, and New York - or the top ten populous cities/districts within those locations. Plus maybe a bone thrown to the I40 and I70 corridor from time to time.

Anonymous ID: d2fd77 May 21, 2019, 6:47 a.m. No.6550012   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0479



They are terrified.

The thing is that they know how to project this terror and get their base to believe it, as well.

However, they also overestimate their own capabilities and underestimate real people.

Activists are what they are, and they are personally invested. It is going to be hard for them to see beyond the narrative any time soon - because even when they do see beyond it, it is easier to push through with faith that you've been lied to for some good reason than it is to question the basis for your entire world view.


That said… Activists are a small minority. They make a lot of noise, but that is deceptive - to both sides. The democrats hear their own well motivated and funded activists - and forget that they have spared few expenses when it comes to creating illusions. So, they wind up believing the propaganda of their own network. They believe they do control the voice of the people because the media is their window into how people view them - and the media has been hired to make it look like the democrats are the people. They believe they are the good guys because the media has been hired to make it appear that way, and the media is what they trust to show them the public.


They don't fully realize that they have fallen to their own delusion, and even if they do - they have no choice but to double down on the hopes it works or they can provoke civil unrest.



Heavy Metal is a horribly under-rated movie. Just like Kill la Kill, they love to filter by who can see beyond boobies.

Anonymous ID: d2fd77 May 21, 2019, 7:33 a.m. No.6550216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0479


They have nothing left to do but double down and engage the hyper-drive to ludicrous.

They use symbols without knowing what they mean and use words knowing only that they are things held sacred by people. Much like Cher going "Reeeeeee!" On stage the other night, that is exactly what Nadler is doing, now.


It is not enough to merely wear symbols or use words held dear to people. You must be able to actually craft a coherent message with them in order for the magic to work. Rituals have no real effect when you are simply going through motions or trying to trick the world into believing killing someone else is a sacrifice on your behalf.


If I were a god that honored sacrifice, for example, I would probably find myself rather moved by the innocent people killed - and angered at those who thought to trick me.

Whether this god is real or not is rather irrelevant to the fact that the consequences that befall such people may in fact operate as though there were such a god, regardless of what detailed mechanisms underwrite the process of reprisal.


Only fools believe in magic. The rest of us realize that everything, explained and uneplained, follows a process. A symbol isn't a magical means to power. Words alone do not move man and material. Speaking gibberish or crafting icons of gibberish is no different than someone with a sever communication impediment screeching incoherently.


People are naturally driven to identify patterns. Gambling compulsion is deeply rooted in our neurology because our neurons are compelled to try and identify a pattern. It's why we enjoy the abstract. But… It has a drawback. It's also a behavior that burns out quickly. Try to identify a pattern, and when nothing seems fruitful, abandon it. A fit of fascination and fixation followed by complete lack of interest.


They enjoyed popularity for a little while. Now, with nothing but incoherent, random noises - the public is starting to set them aside where not actively trying to bury them to get rid of the nuisance.