Anonymous ID: fb45e9 May 21, 2019, 6:26 a.m. No.6549923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9933 >>0129

Was it really Cher in the midnight breads?

Some was posting as her, and a link to a Sonny video of him as a Congressman grilling Janet Reno in a congressinal hearing.

There was a 'HB' message and photos of Cher, Kim, and Kanye together.

It seemed significant to me.

Also an anon decoded a Cher tweet.

It's almost as if Cher is ready to start to sing like a red-pill bird.

the tweet was about how she's ready to share a perfume that's she's been planninf to release for 4 years.

the decode was interesting.

Anonymous ID: fb45e9 May 21, 2019, 7:20 a.m. No.6550152   🗄️.is 🔗kun


dear mr xi

I'm a picker who shops the Savers. Recently I purchased a box full

paper bonds, so pretty says it's backed in gold, all in Chinese and banker speak . . .

fairly specific redemption terms.

heard you redeemed some of the same issue from some Brit friends . . .

where can I bring my picker's find to get it all redeemed for the amount of gold that it says it is . . .

I'll take the equivalent amount of American Treasuries at the current value of the gold, so it can just be

a paper swap


the preceeding was hope porn for the Treasuries market.

Anonymous ID: fb45e9 May 21, 2019, 7:26 a.m. No.6550183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0282


there are people like that of all ages.

See you are just being just as they say that they are

'complain about everything'


you are an embarrassment? only if you think so.

people will behave as you project that you expect them to behave. And thus if they think you have a poor opinion of them there is a 'I see how you are, I'll be worse' thing that some people do.


You project that you are snarling perfectionist with no forgiveness and they dish out a worse person, for you, because they don't like you on account of how you are projecting your fallacies upon them.

they don't trust you that you'll be fair to them. They don't ever expect you to treat people well. So they make themselves display a persona that they know will make you hate them even more so you

stay away from them and don't harsh up their life with your expectations of perfection of behavior and character from people who you don't even like.


Of course I don't really know you.

snarl on, someday you'll be like

'that anon was write, I have been an asshole all these years. No wonder I'm all alone'

or you can learn right now to be less of a jerk and accuser and stop expecting Jexibel when you are meeting the other kind of people.

Anonymous ID: fb45e9 May 21, 2019, 7:35 a.m. No.6550222   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And Jack Possobiac is the james bond character?


is your post Hypothetical conjecture concerning a real person who has been recently discussed here or are your writing a John Brunner quality science fiction summary?