Anonymous ID: 27244d May 21, 2019, 9:10 a.m. No.6550697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1201 >>1282

all (pb) >>6549980, >>6550002, >>6550067, >>6550127 Dig on John Giacalone's testimony brings Hilton Hotels into the light


Paris Hilton was closely associated to Joe Francis... Girls Gone Wild


Now if Hilton is a Spook family, and Francis made a career of filming naked TEENAGERS, it is a reasonable question to consider WHERE all of these HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of HOURS of footage and associated ID info (they 'usually' photographed/filmed drivers licenses before filming, though none were trained to identify real/fake) went.


In other words, GGW was a honeypot to get willing(ish) young girls to tell you who they are and where they live (presumably), then do what they do. For a T-shirt. In many cases, for nothing.