Anonymous ID: 4318a0 May 21, 2019, 9:27 a.m. No.6550814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0861


I can't help but notice it looks like we go back to the era of cavemen where we just dragged women into the cave.


In all seriousness, though, I think many of the feminists are upset that they were led to believe they were oppressed under the classic system - then got out into the world to try and live life as young men do - and fuck! that shit is hard!

Women do not have the cultural upbringing from mother to daughter as men do. Generations upon generations of women taught each other how to appeal to men - not how to earn a living as an independent and keep the bulge in your pants from getting you into trouble (as much as women complain about philandering, they have demonstrated even less impulse control in practice). Because of this, women among millennials, in particular, have very under-developed skills for operating as true independents in society and making relationship decisions.

Why should a woman limit herself when it is just so easy to get attention - something, again, generally encouraged by generations of culture?


Of course, this behavior not only drives responsible men away - no one wants to find out the father of the child they have been raising isn't really the expected one - but it also drops the incentive for men to pay attention to the needs/wants of a woman. When her concerns orbit around who has the most time to devote to her - the unemployed or job-hopper has all the time in the world. The people with patterns of behavior most highly associated with abuse and poor quality of life are the ones who "win."


Then feminism doubled down by suggesting role reversal was a healthy standard with a "stay at home husband." Don't misunderstand - some guys are productive and aren't slobs, but more often than not, it simply reinforces sitting in the recliner to watch television while the woman does all the work (… Which was one of the original complaints - men coming home from work and doing that … Now the woman comes home from work to do everything while the boy she is fooling around with plays video games… He gets a pretty sweet deal out of it and has no reason other than his own force of will to do anything about it).


We changed the old systems without any regard as to why they were in place to begin with. Even if we are all in agreement that the old systems needed to change - there are still functions which must, by another method, be satisfied.


Feminists were led to believe men were the problem and, being the only tool in their kit, when one act of "liberation" fails to improve their lives, the only response they can formulate is to try and remove men yet again.

Somehow, they seem to have correctly realized that this would result in our collapse back to the stone age, and I would argue that they actually desire a return to simplicity. In this, they project the old world as an ideal fantasy into which they can lead society.


There is an interesting ero-manga by the title "World's End Harem." It doesn't go quite that far in terms of women wanting to return to the old world - but it does do an adequate job of portraying what a world without men would look like, how the types who desire it would behave, and also how the general public would respond. Again… You gotta be able to see through the boobies. Not saying you have to ignore them - but if you can't keep the blood flowing to the proper or both heads simultaneously - then you'll miss it.

Anonymous ID: 4318a0 May 21, 2019, 9:48 a.m. No.6550933   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Funny you should mention that.

How is it that Manafort, who just so happened to be under FISA, happened to be hired by the Trump campaign?

Under whose recommendation?


I'm not really sure who you are here to represent, but I would demand payment in advance. Well, actually, I would never accept payment for things that are suspicious, as that's a good way to get nailed in a sting… But whatever.


Where DID Kushner get the money to pay off his 'not-small' loan?


The MK-48 ADCP can be equipped with a nuclear warhead. Snapshot on cavitating track Kilo Zero Zero tubes 2, 6, 8. Set course one one seven at ten knotts for incline at 5 degrees. Prepare to plug ears.


Nothing can stop what is coming.

Anonymous ID: 4318a0 May 21, 2019, 9:58 a.m. No.6551003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1024



Refers to the line of paternal succession. Just as you get your mitochondrial DNA from your mother, all males have a Y-chromosome direct lineage.


There are multiple lineages and permutations of each. It's a bit of a new fad because it is generally much easier to tell who a girl's mother is than a boy's father. It's why chastity and virginity were very heavily valued among royalty in the past, and many young women throughout all classes were encouraged to preserve it because if they happened to draw a noble's fancy, a virgin who produced a child after consummating the marriage was believed to be the noble's legitimate child.

Or, in a number of cases, even the child of a concubine could hold a higher position or a spot in the succession.


Now they have a means of proving paternal lineage for males - and they are going kind of bonkers over it if you ask me.

Anonymous ID: 4318a0 May 21, 2019, 10:11 a.m. No.6551078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1133


This is kind of true, if a bit exaggerated. Though the Y-chromosome is a very small set of DNA which mostly seems to influence sections of DNA encoded elsewhere. So… I agree it is important - but among a bunch of other important things, too.