Anonymous ID: 9ab7c6 May 21, 2019, 9:49 a.m. No.6550947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0971 >>0972 >>0986 >>0993 >>1026 >>1061

Actions speak louder than words!


Here are the only possible scenarios this Anon can see playing out between now and Election Day 2020:


1: Q played us perfectly to ensure DJT got 8 full years, because it will take that long to finish draining the swamp. Q+ does drain the swamp and all is right with the world.


2: Q played us perfectly to get DJT re-elected and shit returns to "business as usual". No arrests and the anons are forced to doxx, organize and Plan Z kicks in. If so, everyone loses.


3: POTUS finally swings to the offensive and all the shit we were promised begins habbening. Arrests made, convicts punished, Libtards awaken (and actually like DJT) and he wins 2020 in the biggest landslide in American history.


3a: POTUS ONLY focuses on draining the swamp. He knows that this is moar than enough to secure the re-election.


3b: POTUS keeps going to rallies trying to get re-elected the old fashioned way and Q Team drains swamp for him concurrently.


3c: POTUS is involved in both and goes down as an American hero.


3d: POTUS keeps stumping and Q keeps stringing us along enough to quell an uprising in hopes POTUS gets re-elected.


Anything I'm missing, Anons?

Anonymous ID: 9ab7c6 May 21, 2019, 10:10 a.m. No.6551073   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This one is not possible.


Too many anons buzzing about the hive.


Can't disarm millions of us without a massive revolution.


Take this one off the table; Q knew this was an option and would never let it habben.