Anonymous ID: d15fb5 May 21, 2019, 10:52 a.m. No.6551304   🗄️.is 🔗kun


oh shit, He was part of the gang that framed the patsies and tortured them for "confessions" - and for their own jollies.

"Webb" Sweigert implied what a terrible man he is/was.

Tooling around in his sports car, D.C.

Wow. I hope he hangs

>>6550204 pb Notable

"Noting, but needs verification"

#1. Notice how they put the attention on "Bld 7"

"Bld 7" aka Solomon Bros Bld. / Lehman Bros. Bld. is a red herring among serious 9/11 researchers.

Why? Because it's the worst evidence of Criminal Conspiracy

Why? Because the leaseholder announced on TV that he gave permission i.e. ordered the Fire Dept. to take the bld down for safety reasons.

This thing is layer like an onion, deliberately, and I don't want to slide to I' ll "cut to the chase"

The Fake, run by the Feds "9/11 Truth Movement" has repeated the mantra "Bld. 7" for all these years to no avail.

  1. No one needs any "insider info" to know it was a FRAUD. All you need is publicly available info. The desire to have an insider "confess" only proves that you are no doing the research and /or thinking yourself . And you are depending on a [fake] authority figure to tell you what is true [out of fear? so your relatives will believe you (no they won't)]

  2. John Lear is C-A. through and through.

Mr. Lear is a gate-keeper.

Look for more "bedside death confessions" to keep the groundlings busy. [misdirected]