Anonymous ID: d3e6dd May 21, 2019, 10:48 a.m. No.6551285   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Carson on HUD eviction plan: 'You take care of your own first'

House lawmakers sparred Tuesday over a plan from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to remove thousands of immigrant families from federally subsidized homes.


In a heated hearing with HUD Secretary Ben Carson, Democratic members of the House Financial Services Committee blasted President Trump’s housing chief for what they called an inhumane and ineffective proposal to evict undocumented immigrants from federal housing.


“The ‘D’ in HUD does not stand for ‘deportation,’ ” said Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.). “We cannot create affordable housing for Americans by throwing other Americans out in the street with no place to go.”

HUD announced in April it would tighten regulations barring immigrants in the country illegally from receiving federal housing benefits. While families with at least one member eligible for HUD programs are currently allowed to live in federally subsidized housing, Carson’s proposal would evict all households led by undocumented immigrants.


HUD estimates that 32,000 federally subsidized households and 55,000 children would be subject to evictions under its proposal. That could force thousands of U.S.-born children of undocumented immigrants, along with legal permanent residents, refugees, and asylum-seekers, into homelessness.

“I hope and pray that you rethink that,” said Rep. Juan Vargas (D-Calif.), adding that he couldn’t believe “that this rule could come from you.”


“I don’t think you’re mean-spirited at all,” Vargas continued. “I have to say, taking these 55,000 children and putting them on the street is mean-spirited. I don’t think it’s your nature.”


Carson and House Republicans insisted Tuesday that the evictions are necessary to comply with federal law and cut down a waiting list of more than 4 million U.S. citizens seeking HUD-subsidized housing.


“It’s not that we’re cruel, mean-hearted. It’s that we are logical,” Carson said. “This is common sense. You take care of your own first.”


The secretary compared the eviction proposal to a flight crew advising airplane passengers to put on their own oxygen masks before helping others with theirs.


“It’s the same concept,” Carson added. “It seems only logical that tax-paying American citizens should be taken care of first.”


Throughout his term as HUD chief, Carson has been criticized by Democrats for proposals to ease more Americans out of public housing, cut spending on development grants, and its handling of disaster relief funding.


HUD’s eviction proposal launched a new wave of backlash from Democrats as the Trump administration and Republicans pushed forward with similar initiatives to cut other federal benefits for undocumented immigrants, including Medicaid and food stamps.


“I applaud you because as an American citizen, we should put Americans first,” said Rep. Sean Duffy (R-Wis.) to Carson.