anonymous ID: f069c7 May 21, 2019, 9:13 a.m. No.6550722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0736 >>0743 >>0930 >>1163 >>1213



>covered in Gold is Sun God Ra worship aka Lucifer worship, all this is connected, rays of the sun are the gold covering them, think of James bond and Goldfinger, a shout out to Lucifer and the other fallen angels, watch this video I found about the gold, its the illumined ones


2nd image king Louie whatever got his head chopped off for cannibalism and saying directly that he was Ra the sun god reincarnated, Dior is a Satanic sun cult worshipping company also, the film Covered in Gold, the illumined ones on youtube explained it the best, they believe gold is like sunlight, the skin of lucifer and cover themselves from head to toe

anonymous ID: f069c7 May 21, 2019, 9:21 a.m. No.6550777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0809


a gold bath to rebaptize you to Satan

Dior and the perfume with the baphomet penis on it to worship at home

The Minoan honeybee for human sacrifice

the egyptian god horus covered in the greater gold of Lucifer

egyptian gold, is also blue and white or blue and gold for Baal worship like on epstein island

anonymous ID: f069c7 May 21, 2019, 10:08 a.m. No.6551055   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1082


nope, really sure about the research that I did, misguide fag, not a new fag at all, this is legit and you are Jew fag if you try and misdirect talk tween two anons doing legit research, please find a fag lake and jump in it, yes it contains old references for the fallen angels but is fine for research general and answering several inquiries from a few last bakes, you are misdirecting the scope and depth of my bake, yours is an interesting side note and I did know that, but has nothing on the egyptian gold or illumined ones information, so please enjoy your dip in the lake and let me get back to business.


Back to the Gold story, Lucifers rays are the gold covering the skin of the worshippers of him, its anti aging, rejuvenation properties and involved in the Demonic Luciferian occult ritual of the London Gold fix, its where the Edomites, aka Semite fake Jews maintain rituals to control gold prices, silver prices and other commodities and tied to the evil of Wall street and the magic holding that crap together.


the youtube flick is about the occult properties of gold and why they cover the dead babies in thailand to painting hollywood stars by Marina Abramovich

anonymous ID: f069c7 May 21, 2019, 10:18 a.m. No.6551133   🗄️.is 🔗kun


check out chromosome one and chromosome 2 on wiki and see the Q arm for human DNA and the short P arm in brackets for disease and other unknown DNA segments