Anonymous ID: 1e29f2 May 21, 2019, 11:12 a.m. No.6551396   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6550745 (pb)


This is why things are so slow, BTW. Ever one of them is feeling out or trying to feel out how much leverage the others have.


If you had, say, Obama fucking a child on video, you wouldn't deal that as your first card. Probably a tape of him saying we need to do something about Trump, and work your way up.


Read Trump's book.

Anonymous ID: 1e29f2 May 21, 2019, 11:22 a.m. No.6551480   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>it’s a fucking aardvark


I want to see the episode with Dudley Moore as a drunk millionaire who has the same name.


>The episode starts with Ms. Tingley announcing that, from now on, breakfast will be served in the school cafeteria. The students cheer. In addition, John Lewis will be visiting the school in the next week. Arthur doesn't know who John Lewis is, so Sue Ellen and Ladonna explain that he was a civil rights pioneer.


>A montage shows Mrs. MacGrady waking up early, biking to school, and then cooking breakfast. Francine, Muffy, Ladonna, and Binky are enjoying breakfast. After breakfast, Arthur sees Mrs. MacGrady cleaning the tables, and compliments her breakfast food. Mrs. MacGrady comments that she wishes she had more arms to help her out, as she currently does everything by herself. Arthur asks, "You don't have any help?" Mrs. MacGrady responds that she asked Ms. Tingley to get her some helpers, but she hasn't heard back yet. She says goodbye to Arthur and leaves to prepare lunch.


>At lunch, Arthur tells his friends that Mrs. MacGrady should have someone to help her, as he says that making two meals a day for the entire school is too much work to do alone. Muffy compliments the chili, and Buster says that Mrs. MacGrady should just serve meatloaf for both meals. Arthur, Francine, Buster, and Muffy agree to ask Ms. Tingley to hire more people after school.


>Arthur is sitting outside Ms. Tingley's office. Buster comes in, and Arthur asks where Francine and Muffy are. Buster says that they have already left, and he has to go because of a dental appointment. Arthur enters the office, where Ms. Tingley is preparing for John Lewis' visit. Arthur asks her to hire an assistant for Mrs. MacGrady, but she responds that the school board doesn't give Lakewood Elementary the right amount of money for that. Arthur asks if she can ask the school board for more money, and Ms. Tingley says that she will consider it, before changing the topic to school breakfast and sending Arthur out of the room.


>On the walk home, Arthur complains to Sue Ellen about Mrs. MacGrady being treated unfairly. Sue Ellen agrees, and she suggests that he starts a boycott, and explains what that is. Arthur responds that he doesn't want to boycott school entirely, but he has an idea. He goes to school and sticks papers reading "Boycott Breakfast! It's not fair to Mrs. MacGrady!" in the lockers.


>Mrs. MacGrady finds one of the papers, and Arthur explains that he started a boycott and she should have an assistant. Mrs. MacGrady responds that serving breakfast was actually her idea, as some families can't afford breakfast at home. Arthur responds, saying that she can't do it all alone and, as she said earlier, she needs more arms. She responds that "I'll just have to manage somehow."


>At the Elwood City Public Library, Arthur is reading a book. He starts to fall asleep, and he dreams that breakfast is served 24 hours and Mrs. MacGrady gets overwhelmed by all the kids' requests, and her destructive, untrained octopus assistant. Arthur mumbles "Stop… It's not fair…" in his sleep, and wakes up to see John Lewis sitting next to him. Arthur explains the situation to Lewis, and he responds that Arthur should be persistent and stick to whatever he believes in. Lewis also comments of buying flowers for an old friend.


>After a cafeteria meal, Buster, Francine, and Muffy get up to go to class. Arthur insists that he won't get up until Ms. Tingley hires an assistant for Mrs. MacGrady. Muffy says that he will get in trouble, and Francine says that he will stop in a few minutes. Eventually, the cafeteria is cleared out, except for Arthur. Mrs. MacGrady asks him why he is still there, and he responds that the school is being unfair and treating her badly. Mrs. MacGrady agrees that the school is being thoughtless, and she sits down with him at the table. Sue Ellen joins in, and eventually more kids are sitting with Arthur.


>Ms. Tingley comes in the room and asks "What is going on here?" Arthur asks her to hire an assistant for Mrs. MacGrady, and she says of considering it, and tells them to get back to their classroom. The kids don't move, and Mrs. MacGrady says that it needs to be a guaranteed yes. Congressman Lewis walks in and asks if he can see Mrs. MacGrady. He gives her the flowers, and then joins the sit-in. Ms. Tingley finally agrees that she will write to the school board first thing tomorrow, and she invites Arthur to help write the letter. John Lewis asks Arthur if he thinks he will be having bad dreams again, and Arthur responds that he won't. The episode finishes with Lewis saying, "There's nothing more important than following your conscience. If you can do that, you're always going to sleep well," and winking at the screen.

Anonymous ID: 1e29f2 May 21, 2019, 11:23 a.m. No.6551494   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>No more "Q team is a jew team"

>back to "every non-standard woman is a tranny"


It's all so tiresome.


t. once wanted to marry a woman with A cups before she ghosted him

Anonymous ID: 1e29f2 May 21, 2019, 11:28 a.m. No.6551524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1590



Courts have been getting around stare decisis for years by simply declaring the "facts" to be different in the case at bar so therefore the precedent-setting cases don't apply.