Anonymous ID: 1f7f0a May 21, 2019, 11:19 a.m. No.6551457   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1537


Good ol' Missouri float trip for all!


I'm not much for beers, but people seem to love putting a cooler in an inner tube and floating down the river with them. In this case, substitute the river with most streets or public drainage systems.


But, yes - as Q has said, FISA brings down the house. Mueller's report was the final hold. It is now clear and the mission is go.

Mueller's report is what will tease out FISA declass. The dems have no choice but to play it how they are, and this is easily prepared for.


I am not sure if it will come down to impeachment proceedings - but this is highly doubtful as the Senate is required to be aboard. The House can still be used of optical leverage, however - and this is where the fun kicks in.

Declas of FISA (still not sure why 'sify' is missing off of Q's statements… But future proves past so whatever) exposes not just that the democrats abused spying, but that the way in which they did so was to completely falsify the "Russia collusion" narrative.


It's why the dems are so desperate, right now. They have no choice but to push ahead as planned. "Trust the plan" works both ways. It can be seen as a "patriots are in control, don't do anything stupid," as well as "kekking trust muh plan!" To simultaneously reinforce us while also mocking them.


Q has a lot of multi-pronged statements like that.

Anonymous ID: 1f7f0a May 21, 2019, 11:39 a.m. No.6551612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1672


I think Q already did.

"Why did we choose this board?"


Ultimately, this is one of the only spots that isn't completely compromised. The proverbial they have very strong holds in tech and finance. Even if they don't directly own something, they can leverage incentives to get people to comply with "reason." You don't need to convince someone that "research must be moderated" - you just need to assist someone in giving you a buzzword to deflect from the advertising or hosting deal you just took in exchange for a policy change.



Hmm … Perhaps.

Though that would collapse the fucking board. Especially if said individual is young and single - although probably only a few of us would have the unbridled ego…. To have our heart broken, kek…


Which is why some things are best not answered or left to the imagination.

[Holy shit ebot knows and this is why it's constantly going on about trannies] - my very active imagination playing in the sand.

Anonymous ID: 1f7f0a May 21, 2019, 11:52 a.m. No.6551713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1772


Men used to idolize women. Calendars. Nose art. Pin-ups. Sure, there is/was trash as with anything else - but women hold a place of honor.


Granted, I have no idea why they post like they do every bread, someone is very dedicated to the task, I will say that much - so much so that I would almost suspect there is more to it than just posting nice figures.

But I could dedicate every hour of the day to trying to go full-autist on a pattern of posts I notice and barely dent one of about a hundred patterns here. Or more.


So… I'm curious, but need to clone myself before I can really manage that… Unless… That whole "you are 1/4 a clone of your father" thing works out… Then there may be just enough of me to perform the task….

Anonymous ID: 1f7f0a May 21, 2019, 12:16 p.m. No.6551880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1967


Clearly, we are concerned about creating a sterile work environment….

You know - Neo woke up from a life in a cubicle designed to minimize distractions from his task at work…..


Not saying you are completely without point, but the world you live in today and all of its marvels were built by people who had a calendar, photo, or desktop background that included some variety of poster girl.

Only lizard people would think that "stimulating the reptile brain" would be a concerning factor. Before we could even put clothes on our ass, we had to figure out how to focus on something other than the naked women around us.


Where would we be without your enlightenment to protect us from our lizard brain? Oh….

Anonymous ID: 1f7f0a May 21, 2019, 12:35 p.m. No.6552044   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You've a lot to learn.

There are people who can watch a "cartoon." There are people who can't deal with it. There are people who can see the story. There are people who see "fan-service."


I'm not going to say you are wrong, but the same thing can be said of literally any human interaction. People are constantly trying to sway your attention, thoughts, opinions, etc by way of almost any means practical.


This would include your post as it would also include mine and everyone else's.

Anonymous ID: 1f7f0a May 21, 2019, 12:47 p.m. No.6552128   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Seems a bit on the pointless side, honestly.

Whether they are men, women, lizards, or space lizards from the -3i dimension doesn't really matter. It matters what they have done.


Maybe they are all trannies, maybe they aren't - the whole thing makes no fucking sense, personally, and I consider it minutia even if we could walk outside, snap a picture of our caged politician of the day, and run a DNA test on them. Since we can't really prove it one way or the other - it's just a pointless accusation that sounds ridiculous.