Anonymous ID: 747417 May 21, 2019, 11:22 a.m. No.6551479   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1506 >>1589 >>1655 >>1902 >>2101 >>2107

>>6550947 (lb)

The Swamp is draining itself. That's why it's taking so long. It's literally dog eat dog in the DS, and the "system" (FBI, DOJ, etc) have been leveled out to true. Now, the rats do their thing and the Judicial branch (another anon's post re: judges appointed by DJT) takes care of the rest. I've posted that wiki page several times, here, just to clue in everyone on just how much was being gummed up by congress. Now that these judges are getting appointed, things are going to start happening. They owned the courts, remember?

Not anymore.

That addresses points 3 - 3d.


Q executed everything you see here in the manner which was needed. Let me put it to you another way. Just how much can Q know about? How much could they prioritize assets in the event of something imminent? I'm not talking school shooters or possible nut jobs shooting up other gun-free zones (there are WAAAAAAAAAY too many potentials out there to even begin policing that). I'm talking planned/coordinated insurgency.


How many prior service, old time vets, hard core righties, racists, vigilante wanna bes, and DS bad actors whose target audience were all the above, do you think, were getting ready to go rogue? I'm not saying I have any hard data, or know any of these people personally, but just use your imagination for a split second. Think about how our culture is riddled with these examples. OK, so real threat, right?


Now that Q is here, you think those crazy fucks, or otherwise "well intentioned disgruntles" are still scheming? In all honesty, they really probably shouldn't anymore. We've all seen the "US Civil War 2.0" story from the former red team/blue team analyst. Trust me, you don't want that scenario to unfold, and neither does Q. Nobody wants that, really.


So, taking points 1 and 2, and simply taking the first 5 words from each, you are assuming Q was a reelection campaign, and we've seen that shill tactic before, too. We've all also seen the explanation that has been given over and over again about military operations. Congrats, you are experiencing what it's like to be a "private". You know of some shit, and you know why we're fighting against said shit. However, you are not read in on the plan of execution, it's contingencies, or the contingencies' contingencies. Congrats! You now know your role.


Either continue to doubt your leadership, seeing all the delays and pitfalls, and literally interpreting everything Q says as doctrine of truth (nevermind throwing the enemy off! Why can't Q just tell us everything so we can know it all!!!), or wake up to what's really going on .


Wars have always been fought in the minds of the people that the belligerents seek to subdue. Wars have been fought over:

  1. Religion/God

  2. Resources

Resources can be oil, food, water, land/location, minds, pussy, etc.


Does this seem like the type of thing that is the penultimate conflict to bring back the kingdom of God (if you believe in such a story), or is this the type of war that is being waged in the context of resources as mentioned above?


It's all about resources. Always has been, always will be. But why? The people we're fighting against use us as their resources. We're their pets. Their cattle. Their "play toys". Their food. Which side of that fight do you want to be on, anon? Sure, the view from the cheap seats being afforded to you is a great place for you to form your theories on whether or not what's being done here can be taken at face value, and a healthy does of skepticism is great. Skepticism is a great instinct; probably the one that has gotten many anons this far in life to begin with.


But let's face it; the more anons kvetch like shills that kvetch over "shit's not happening" or "muh arrests" or "speed the fucking train up" or "moar tits pl0x", the more those anons basically turn into the shills we fight on a daily basis.


So, either you've gone shill, or you're just a shill trying to make Q look like a reelection campaign. Which is it?

Anonymous ID: 747417 May 21, 2019, 12:06 p.m. No.6551814   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1827 >>1831 >>1836 >>1870 >>1874 >>1902


Unmasking doesn't do anything, but you know that already, don't you?


One of the major points behind anything done here, or other places Q-related work is done, is anonymity to protect the contributors. If someone wants to put their info out there to get pounced on, fine. That's their call. However, if you think some of the names Q has referenced in previous crumbs, including journalists or bad actors, haven't posted here, you'd be mistaken.


The people arguing for the unmasking are just wanting people to get exposed. Amazingly, the same people are here attacking anons in between trying to blend in with posts, while landing a "notable" here or there from time to time.



Putts has proven that they are not a supporter of free speech. Now that that's out of the way, anons need to figure out if they want to continue to use that platform or not.


Just more efforts, by the shills that think anons aren't astute, to drive the conversation where they want it. But you already knew that, didn't you?