Anonymous ID: 906b3d May 21, 2019, 11:49 a.m. No.6551680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1784

>>6551534 I've never seen even one episode. Frankly, entertainment television leaves me cold. And we don't have a TV. We don't want a TV. We tried TV for a few years to watch sports. Before that we had no TV for 10 years and did not miss it at all. I tried satellite TV back in the day when you could surf from one satellite to another and watch worldwide feeds in different languages. Before that, no TV for various long stretches.

TV sucks. Why would we invite a weaponized mind-control platform into our homes and into our brains? It's not for me.

Anonymous ID: 906b3d May 21, 2019, 12:01 p.m. No.6551772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1880



They post these sexualized images to stimulate the reptile brainstem mode of mental activity in the weaker maleanons. If the rush of sex hormones is released it dominates a person's mental activity for a period of time, taking their mind away from logical thinking. We are admonished here to keep thinking logically, which is necessary to perform our role of dig, meme, pray. They hope posting one picture will divert one anon from our mission even for minutes off task. They hope the images will be repugnant to normies who might peruse the chan and keep them from getting the golden gems that are here or becoming part of our hard-working hive mind.

The ones who post those images are NOT the same ones participating in our struggle in support of Q and POTUS. This has been proven many times by past BO/BV posts using IP hash to create a collection of posts made by the same entity.

You just have to exercise discernment and after a while develop a feel for who's helping and who's obstructing.

Anonymous ID: 906b3d May 21, 2019, 12:25 p.m. No.6551967   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2044


Q made it pretty clear.

Q explained that (they) use emotional triggers to control people.

There is a shit-ton of psychology research that has driven advertising for the past 75 years.

To deny it is to allow oneself to be manipulated by it.

Moreover you did not even try to refute the point that sexualized images posted here are intended to drive away normies.

Leftist TV (all TV) with people yelling at each other and interupting each other is intended to train people to be in an emotional state where the points made become memories that influence a person's thinking going forward. There is no doubt this is true. You probably don't remember the old days when there was a protocol of courtesy where people being interviewed on TV were NOT constantly getting angry and interrupting one another. This is deliberate.


The points made stand unrefuted.