Anonymous ID: df7857 May 21, 2019, 11:50 a.m. No.6551690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1712 >>1729 >>1760 >>1829 >>1837 >>1852 >>1863

>>6549693 p/b


JUST LEARNED THAT ROE v WADE was all predicated on a LIE


This breaks my heart because back in the 70's I didn't have the courage to voice and say no we can't do this to my then girlfriend. I went with her into PP and was physically present when the "procedure" was done. Even writing these words flips my stomach.


I opted out because the prevailing dogma of the day it was a woman's body, her choice. I deal with that guilt everyday of my life. And now to learn after all these years it was predicated on an admitted false narrative…..OMG, please share this video with anyone you know. TY ANONS