Anonymous ID: ec77fa May 21, 2019, 11:07 a.m. No.6551363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1410

>>6551340 Tried to get into pastebin to grab the old dough - no dice. Took four tries to get there and then it sorta froze. Have had issues all morning posting stuff. I'll go back to the bread an piece together some notes.

Anonymous ID: ec77fa May 21, 2019, 11:28 a.m. No.6551523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1596 >>1599

Here are the notes I collected in a hurry including last baker's notes @ 200. Will go back for more, but wanted the BO's global to get out sooner rather than later.



>>6550623 AOC says there is ‘overwhelming evidence’ to support impeachment of President Trump…

>>6550483 Bill Barr Breaks Silence, Ends Nancy Pelosi’s Reign Of Terror

>>6550553 May 22 "training exercise" in Puget Sound near the source of the mystery missile launch

>>6550524 EU leaders sound alarm over populist election threat

>>6550499 Cannes: Sci-Fi Film Poster Features Decapitated Donald Trump Head in MAGA Hat

>>6550482 Confirmed: President Trump is expected to tap Ken Cuccinelli for a top role at the Department of Homeland Security.

Ghost Bake Collector after the fact

>>6550761, >>6550892 New PDJT

>>6550783, >>6550770 Hammer attack; Police Dept. audio from U of Minn

>>6551081 Global Notable from BO re: Voat threatens to de-platform QRV

Anonymous ID: ec77fa May 21, 2019, 11:58 a.m. No.6551741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1768

>>6551410 There are probably a few others, but didn't want the notes to be too long. Do you want me to make a new paste or do you want to do it?


8376 posted in 8377

>>6550623 AOC says there is ‘overwhelming evidence’ to support impeachment of President Trump…

>>6550553 May 22 "training exercise" in Puget Sound near the source of the mystery missile launch

>>6550524 EU leaders sound alarm over populist election threat

>>6550499 Cannes: Sci-Fi Film Poster Features Decapitated Donald Trump Head in MAGA Hat

>>6550483 Bill Barr Breaks Silence, Ends Nancy Pelosi’s Reign Of Terror

>>6550482 Confirmed: President Trump is expected to tap Ken Cuccinelli for a top role at the Department of Homeland Security.

Ghost Bake

>>6551102 AOC: growing cauliflower represents a 'colonial attitude'

>>6551081 Global Notable from BO re: Voat threatens to de-platform QRV

>>6551062 Pompeo tweet re: Iranian aggression

>>6551030, >>6551104 Dig on Rybicki from Collins' release: advisor to Comey

>>6551018, >>6551029 NXIVM trial: Notes on Salzman's testimony

>>6550954, >>6550851 Moffa Digs from Collins' release

>>6550783, >>6550770 Hammer attack; Police Dept. audio from U of Minn

>>6550761, >>6550892 New PDJT
