Well, millenials are indoctrinated, which = dumb and asleep. Tack on being whiny little bitches and you can see why so many reach this conlcusion.
Why not just subpoena every single person in America and never get shit done for the next 20 years.
My God. She needs a 1,200 calorie a day diet and some diuretics stat.
Their clothes suck anyway.
Nolan Brewer, 21, of Eminence, Indiana, was sentenced on Monday for conspiring to violate the civil rights of Congregation Shaarey Tefilla, a Jewish synagogue, in the July 28, 2018, defacement. Brewer pleaded guilty to a federal hate crime, U.S Attorney Josh J. Minkler said in a news release.
Authorities say Brewer evoked the name of Adolf Hitler and told investigators he painted swastikas at the Carmel synagogue because the place was "full of ethnic Jews," according to a criminal complaint.
THREE YEARS for spraypainting shit on a Jewish dumpster.
This will get you THREE YEARS in the pen…