Anonymous ID: 052256 May 21, 2019, 3:17 p.m. No.6553187   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Smelling Democrat "blood in the water" Cabot the shark circles New York

Anonymous ID: 052256 May 21, 2019, 3:20 p.m. No.6553213   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3233


And you know how they get disenfranchised white males to do the dirty work? Deplete the food supply of essential nutrients, load the children (boys especially) up on toxins like vaccines, fluoride and lead; make sure both parents are working and stressed out and THEN when the young boy gets "depressed" or has "ADHD" give him a prescription for psych meds! Recipe for getting young men to "run amok".

Anonymous ID: 052256 May 21, 2019, 3:26 p.m. No.6553246   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3275 >>3308


GMO corn inhibits nursing for both women and cows, I'd guess. Did you ever read the book "The Poisoning of Michigan"? A woman who could not nurse her baby and fed him powdered milk accidentally spared the child exposure to PBB. She had it in her system due to drinking the milk of dairy cows poisoned with it. Most of Michigan had effects from that episode. Industrial fire retardant accidentally added to cow feed.

Anonymous ID: 052256 May 21, 2019, 3:37 p.m. No.6553318   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


If you think about a vaccine injection you realize that the natural phenomenon it most clearly mimics is a SNAKE BITE. Venomous snakes do their harm by avoiding the victim's natural defenses such as skin and digestive tract. The poison directly enters the tissues and the BLOOD. Pharmaceutical companies are NEVER interested in keeping you well. They are legalized "sorcery"(Think of the concoctions that are made in occult "spells") and in the case of vaccines, contain many abominations such as foreign animal protein and DNA, known carcinogens, heavy metals and even the remains of cell lines from abortions. The vaccine industry is not liable when they harm you, so there is MASSIVE incentive to deliberately cause chronic diseases which are then treated by high priced pharmaceuticals. Children's Health Defense has lots of sauce.

Anonymous ID: 052256 May 21, 2019, 3:49 p.m. No.6553411   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3430


I know. I "got into it" online with a farmer who INSISTED that Round-up was safer than the alternatives. I wasn't trying to be mean. The downfall of Monsanto/GMO/Round-up seems inevitable especially when the trials against Monsanto move away from home users with cutaneous exposure to farmers who used in not their crops. I think we are headed towards an "aha" moment nationally when people realize that there is Round-up IN THEIR FOOD. If I personally controlled the weather I'd understand choosing to flood the fields this year. Get people and animals of the GMO/Round-up contaminated grains, compensate ruin farmers and move on with new methods. Amish/Mennonite/small family farms are doing well in my part of the mid-west. Local delivery of may products has started up. The milk truck (or buggy) again!!

Anonymous ID: 052256 May 21, 2019, 4:01 p.m. No.6553488   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I have heard that toxic mold grows in the presence of excessive EMF. Makes sense. Mold, a simply life form, would thrive in an atmosphere that produced death and decay in other organisms. The story discusses Aspergillus, but I am also aware of a dangerous new type of candida called candida auris. The thing anons might want to be aware of is that REAL new plagues are not addressed by the "authorities" for fear of "alarming" people. FF plagues (measles, for example) are used by the authorities to manipulate us into taking toxic vaccine products (bioweapons). I do believe a handful of vaccines may have done some good, but they are not combination products and they should be given with INFORMED CONSENT to people for their own protection, not to protect the mythical "herd". Injecting babies to "protect" other people is really a form of human sacrifice.

Anonymous ID: 052256 May 21, 2019, 4:04 p.m. No.6553513   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3524


I don't think so. He's got to make it look like he's with them, for now. Biblical Jehu reminds me of Trump. He was responsible for the downfall of Jezebel and then turned around and eliminated the servants of Baal. Pretended he was one of them. Sound familiar?

Anonymous ID: 052256 May 21, 2019, 4:34 p.m. No.6553719   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3728

>>6552943 Chips could cause a "foreign body reaction"


I took an anti-psychotic called Seroquel. Some people would get fat on this chemical, but a few would lose weight. I got thin as a rail. Accidentally took double the dose once. Working while under the effects of 1600mg of Seroquel was a "trip". I haven't taken any psychotropic drugs in almost 4 years.