Anonymous ID: 0b5660 May 21, 2019, 3:36 p.m. No.6553315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3360

Anons are over the target bigly and clowns are in the kitchen!

They don't want you to know about the Y-heads


Y-head bun from bread #8374

>>6549521 includes

>>6549326 DNA discussion

>>6549344 DNA discussion

>>6549349 original pic #1 posted 03 Oct 2018 ~04:32 EST pic related

>>6549426 original pic #2 posted 03 Oct 2018 ~05:36 EST


original pics posted in bread #4200 (?) (deleted from archives?)


Baker in Bread #8374 just woke up from a "nap" and took control back from note taker/new baker. Did not want to post notable and, when confronted minimized the meaning of the posts

>>6549643 what about this notable?

>>6549651 Rothschilds share YDNA - pics of ears show Y-Head, Epstein is a Rothschild?

posted as notable

>>6549521, >>6549326 anon opines on Epstein being a Rothschild (YDNA)


Y-head notes from bread #8376

>>6550555 refers to above

>shilling intensifies


Bread #8376 missing from notables in Bread #8377 >>6551328


Notables in Bread #8378 >>6552110 are mislabeled as breads #7587 and #7586



If you are not compromised you will revoke kitchen keys from this bakers union against The People. This is directly Q related.


If you are comp'd I hope you all hang together as enemies of The People.

This is not a game.

This is not over.

i, man, claim the wrong of trespass.