Anonymous ID: 3056fd May 21, 2019, 3:38 p.m. No.6553332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3432 >>3445

>>6553168 LB


Hey, it's Tricky Dick's son in law! Big White House wedding to Tricia Nixon.


Ed and Tricia have gone through that now-common nightmare of parents: the unwanted arrival of an oddball daughter- or son-in-law. In their case, it was billionaire Gristedes grocery heiress Andrea Catsamatidis, who filed for divorce 3 years later. Wedding guests had included Hillary Clinton and Henry Kissinger. Christopher had actually worked for John McNoName. You might remember Andrea from this famous pic (!) with her mother and Bubba Clinton.


"Nixon Cox met Catsimatidis at her exclusive all-girls New York high school when he was campaigning for John McCain in 2008. She was just 17 at the time.


Nixon Cox is 11 years older than Catsimatidis, now 24.


After their courtship, Catsimatidis became the talk of the Long Island social scene when she starting showing up to Nixon Cox's staid political gatherings wearing skin-tight skirts and bosom-bearing tops."


LMAO at the pics in this article! Nope, not wife material.


What anons need to know is exactly how close Ed Cox has been to Henry Kissinger, as if the John McCain connection isn't bad enough. I don't trust this nerd as far as I can throw him.

Anonymous ID: 3056fd May 21, 2019, 3:48 p.m. No.6553405   🗄️.is 🔗kun


New Orleans keeps popping up in discussions about child trafficking.


Today's Blind Items - The Missing Child


Sporadically over the last decade I have written about several celebrity couples and several actresses on their own who adopted children during the Angelina Jolie led everyone has to adopt to look cool phase in Hollywood. There was the couple who returned their baby and another who tried to return their baby. There have been several who turned the raising of the child or children to relatives because they just couldn't be bothered after that initial publicity blitz they craved.


The thing is though, there was an actress back then who adopted a child and after being everywhere with the child, the child suddenly disappeared. Where did the child go? They adopted the child through an organization that only existed long enough to serve the celebrity craze. The child came from New Orleans. That is all that anyone remembers. Child Protective Services has never investigated because the agency never told them about it and paperwork was scarce coming from New Orleans after Katrina, if there was any paperwork at all. There was definitely a market where babies or toddler who had parents with drug issues were straight up bought and paperwork could be manufactured at a later date. The demand was high. An adopted baby was a status symbol and a baby of color was even more desirable. When couples gave the babies back, they never went back to the homes or centers where they were found. They were just forwarded on to another couple or family and lost to their past.


One actress who starred on a very hit network show that aired for a long time and was a police type show adopted a toddler. The toddler had some issues because they had been born addicted to drugs. Our actress couldn't handle the toddler but did make sure she got publicity for adoption. Within a year after adopting the toddler though, he was gone. Vanished. No sightings, no relatives, no nothing. Wen friends asked, the toddler was at a friend's house or family or at a sitter. Eventually, they all stopped asking, but there has never been a resolution. A filmmaker is trying to locate all these children without paperwork. This child though, is someone that no one is discussing. Is the former child who would now be a teen alive? The actress pretends to not even know she adopted a child back in the day and says it was just for the cameras. No one is buying that. Where is the child?


Posted by ent lawyer at 10:10 AM


Comments are all over the place, no consensus.