Anonymous ID: 312a9d May 21, 2019, 2:45 p.m. No.6552976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2982 >>2988

So, a new study found that America is LESS racist under POTUS Trump than it was under Obama


By now supporters of the president have grown very weary of hearing him called a “racist” and a “bigot” by perpetually angry Leftists who can’t come up with coherent arguments against his policies, so name-calling is all they have.


Naturally, the propaganda-disposed “Mainstream” media has enabled and propagated the narrative that Americans elected a white supremacist to our highest office.


But a pair of researchers at the University of Pennsylvania beg to differ. They have just produced a new study showing that racism under POTUS Donald Trump has fallen, and in a statistically significant way.

Anonymous ID: 312a9d May 21, 2019, 2:59 p.m. No.6553065   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Le Pen seeks Macron's downfall in French European polls


In European parliament elections in France on May 26, she sees the chance not only to deal a blow to Macron's faltering presidency, but for her ideas to move further into the political mainstream.


"Before we were on our own on the European scene… we didn't have any allies. But in the space of a few months, a whole range of political forces have risen up in spectacular fashion," she said.


In the last year and half, parties who share her anti-immigration and anti-EU positions have entered governments in Italy and Austria, while making gains in parliaments from Berlin to Stockholm and even Madrid.


Polls show Le Pen's party, now named the National Rally, winning about 22-24 percent the election, a slight edge over the centrist alliance that includes Macron's party.


Under the changes pushed through by Le Pen, the National Rally has ditched its long-standing policy of wanting to leave the EU – a so-called "Frexit" – and its proposal to abandon the euro common currency.


Instead, she proposes unpicking the bloc from the inside, rolling back its treaties and common rules and turning it into a "union of nation states" who act independently.


"We took into account what the French people told us," she said. "They don't want to leave the euro, but that does not mean we can't improve it."