Anonymous ID: 4df4b8 May 21, 2019, 3:31 p.m. No.6553284   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3500

On the topic of Y and family y:


I believe the Y head and gold is what the Rothschild clan has chosen as its main symbol. Gold is the color of the sun and therefore represents god. They are trying to overthrow god, at least in the minds of men. The Y head is another one of their symbols, I can't say when or why they adopted it, but at this point, what's most important is that we recognize it as their symbol.


That brings me to family "y", which I believe represents the rockafeller clan, who I'm sure are part Rothschild, hence the lower-case "y". Further, I haven't taken the time to trace the Rockafeller clan through history, but from what I've gathered the Rockafellers were backed by the Rothschilds as they built their American empire.


Similarly, the only reason Arabia is Saudi Arabia, is because the british backed a warlord named Ibn Saud, and who controlled/controls Britain?


That's the part that doesn't necessarily make sense to me - why Q says Saud are worth 6 tril and Roth worth 2 when Roth obv controls Saud and y.




David Rockafeller died in 2017:


This is when I think Soros took over for family "y".


The thing to keep in mind here is that Satan/Lucifer/Whatever doesn't actually exist. I'm sure there is a Lucifer alter controlling all the other alters within the people comprising the top of the control structure, and I'm sure there are various forms implanted within all their slaves.


Rockafeller dying was a huge blow, as was zbig, and I suspect neither were coincidental. I couldn't even begin to imagine what was going on inside those heads.


That's all I really want to say at this point, can't even begin to tell you how much/often this shit rolls around inside my head.


Fuck you shills, God Wins!