Anonymous ID: 516b70 May 21, 2019, 3:53 p.m. No.6553429   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6547456 (PB)

One of the very few places on the planet where he and his are reasonably safe from physical harm.

>>6547460 (PB)

When I was in the Teamsters, we couldn't seem to get a contract paying over $10 / hr … and I was doing building AND machine maintenance (full responsibility for a pretty large building and 60 packaging machines which were a worn-out mess when I arrived, but, over the course of the next couple of years, I got them to where from one month to the next there was no more than an hour or two downtime – total – for the plant.

My son is doing the same job for another company and is getting >$35/hr with no union dues and all the overtime he can stand with a shitload of autonomy.

The union rep was driving a brand new Cadillac every year, but all of us were running 10 year old clunkers.

You do the math.

The NEA in NC just pulled a demonstration at our state capitol. They showed up, I am told, with communist banners. My remaining union sympathies are running on fumes.

>>6547886 (PB)

WHITE robes? That wasn't Tony.

>>6547635 (PB)

I am the anon who posted that. What I did was match old information to new information but otherwise originated none of it.

A couple weeks ago, the story in the media was that we had spoiled a party for no good reason except that we are lunatic conspiracy theorists seeing boogey men where there were none.


Finding the bombs took the "theory" part out of the equation and actually took us from "Beautiful Mind" decoders to life-savers.

100% of the credit and thanks goes to the much-loved (no homo) lunatic autist who saw the pattern in the Comey tweet … the lives of many people, most especially numerous children, were saved!


It is now worth asking why the police found the bombs now and not earlier. What changed? What led them to that woman now and not sooner? Did she do the drilling and so on herself or does she have co-conspirators? Making pipe bombs is not something most women wake up curious about and decide to do as a weekend project.

Anonymous ID: 516b70 May 21, 2019, 4:02 p.m. No.6553499   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Agree. Best tennis shoe ever made. I played HS tennis in a pair and they took the heat off the asphalt as if it wasn't even there also cushioned and gripped like a champ.