Anonymous ID: af818e May 21, 2019, 3:31 p.m. No.6553290   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>3296

communism is about to meet capitalism


China's Economic "Super-Weapon" Would Devastate Its Rare-Earth Exporters


Tue, 05/21/2019 - 18:05




With nationalism to the fore, for a change, talk of a ā€œpeopleā€™s warā€, and with China telling the US it has ā€œunwavering resolveā€ to fight ā€œbullyingā€ ā€“a change from ā€œimperialismā€, which China itself is now accused of in some quartersā€“ President Xi Jinping went to visit a rare earths facility yesterday. That was no accident. Nothing in Chinese politics is an accident. It was a signal that China can turn off the taps on rare earths exports to the US if pushed much further. Yet such a step would devastate its rare earth exporters; it would show the world they cannot rely on China as a supplier; and it would be the final(?) nail in the coffin of a ā€˜macro 101ā€™ model of how the world works. (As if that is needed a day after US President Trump publicly stated heā€™s ā€œvery happyā€ with the trade war and that the Chinese economy wonā€™t be number one on his watch.)


After all, rare earths arenā€™t actually rare. Lots of countries, including the US, Japan, Brazil, India, and South Africa, have them in abundance. China only controls 80% of global supply because it subsidised its state-owned firms until they achieved economy-of-scale dominance in the same way as it is seen trying to do in other industrial sectors, which has generated the current China backlash. In short, mercantilismā€“meets-Mr.Magoo-free-markets means Beijing got the whip hand over the industrial global supply chain for a vital input in order to save a few dollars. One sees why itā€™s time to say goodbye to macro 101. Indeed, if there arenā€™t governments planning to massively boost rare earths output in Australia, California, India, Japan, Vietnam, and Brazil, etc., then I will eat my hat. China will soon find that its latest economic ā€˜super-weaponā€™ is another dud.




You want to see a real super-weapon? Look at the US decision to cut Huawei off from Western technology yesterday. How is Huawei supposed to function without the high-end silicon chips China canā€™t make, and which neither US nor European firms will now supply? It has 12-months of stockā€¦and then what? (And in terms of the global economic impact, please note South Koreaā€™s May 1-20 chip exports plunged -33% y/y before any of this happened!) Equally, how is Huawei supposed to sell 5G phones when it cannot update Googleā€™s Android software? Of course, some say China will develop its own high-end silicon chips and proprietary operating system (OS). It might do thatā€¦but thatā€™s a very hard thing to achieve when cut off from the West ā€“ and itā€™s much harder to do than digging up rare earths. If China could just do it, why hasnā€™t it until now? Because they believe in macro 101? Really?! Indeed, the announcement today that Huawei will roll out its own OS imminently looks like ā€˜windā€™ to meā€¦ unless it is called ā€œBan-droidā€. Will it come bundled with the Little Red App of Xi Jinping thought? As someone said on Game of Thrones when it was still good, ā€œPower is power.ā€ And this, is power, folks. Not visiting a rare earths factory for the cameras.


However, the White House has just announced the Huawei hamstringing will be delayed by 90 days, with existing equipment to be serviced for that period, not new products, presumably to allow room for that crucial G-20 head-to-head between Trump and Xi, and also to allow US firms to gird their loins for the disruption that this ban is going to cause. Can we agree that the stakes for that G-20 are going higher and higher, especially for China? As such, this is still very much a long USD, short CNY, if indirectly, and EM FX environment as we get to see the full power of this fully operational battle station. The Fedā€™s Powell meanwhile says ā€œthe outcome of the trade negotiations is not known, is highly uncertain, and it would be prematureā€ for the Fed to make a judgement (and hence rate call) on the back of it. Not known, yes; uncertain, arguably no. The balance of risks must be clear, even to the Fed(?)

Anonymous ID: af818e May 21, 2019, 3:37 p.m. No.6553320   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>3328 >>3447


How smart can a "Christian" be that "read" the bible but is still catholic, eg: idolatry,gay ass priests and a an old creepy pope fuck who speaks for God. how stupid! he isn't smart at all.

Owen Benjamin is a secret flat earth shill. he is a double double agent shill, I can feel it in my bones.

Anonymous ID: af818e May 21, 2019, 3:53 p.m. No.6553428   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun


I am starting to feel sorry for poor Assad


1st Obunga and hitlery got a boner for his ass on a stick, so he teamed with Putin and Iran(clowns) to save his ass. He got accused of using Bio weapons on children


Now he has an Iran infestation and now He will be accused of using Bio weapons on children


KEK poor one out for this man.

Anonymous ID: af818e May 21, 2019, 4 p.m. No.6553478   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>3529


Was referring to EMJ "the guru" who is dumb.


I like Owen too:) I like being suspicious of people more KEK. He was forced to orally pleasure a priest saw the vid where he said it. I watch him too. but the flat earth shit eeks me:)

Anonymous ID: af818e May 21, 2019, 4:09 p.m. No.6553550   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun


DAHBOO77 this guy is a shilly shill shill.


When those misguided patriots(bundy's) took over that gov facility, DAHBOO77 was on their live streams telling those scared people that he hopes the FBI executes them all. sick fuck yes blessing my balls!

Anonymous ID: af818e May 21, 2019, 4:30 p.m. No.6553692   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun


I side with matrixxx he's a good dude trying to help some culty fools:)


people attacking matrixxx are the problem (((cropduster)))

Plants the JZknight shit on the chans makes notables 3 times and bingo bango daily beast is on it.

an unfortunate setup. but a very well executed shill hitjob. I am impressed.