Anonymous ID: c3a69e May 21, 2019, 2:42 p.m. No.6552961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2991 >>3003 >>3010 >>3235 >>3272 >>3463

>>6550484 pb

yes, genetics is part of it.

My parents were always thin and always had candy, cookies and treats around.

My mother did get a little chunky in the middle from having 4 kids.

As a child/teen/adult i was a total candy treat hound. And always stayed in the 110 to 120 weight range.

Other family members also were thin and can eat anything they want.

I don't eat as much junk now, kek

Many of the recipes changed in the 1990's.

Oreo's use to be delicious, now they taste like processed dirt.

There are many foods/snacks/cereals that this happened to.

Fruit/froot loops used to have 3 colors, lemon , cherry, and orange and they had a fruit flavor. Now they all taste the same and it's yucky.

Hostess products also used to be really yummy, now they are bland and leave a coating in your mouth.


Also they have added chemicals and things to food and medications over the years, that make people gain more weight and make it difficult to get rid of.

Fatter/slower people are easier to control.


Used to see at the most, 2 out of every 10 people were fat, now it's like 6 out of every 10 or higher.



(some of it is not using sugar and using corn syrup to sweeten.)

Anonymous ID: c3a69e May 21, 2019, 4:12 p.m. No.6553570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3578


Not sure about that, kek

He was cheating on his wife and mother of his children with his dead brothers wife, right after his funeral.

Not like he was single, his brother died and then he started dating her after a period of mourning.


It was quite the scandal and really fucked up, Especially when Joe Biden said he stood behind his son and supports him and his new girfriend( basically it was okay for him to cheat and bang dead brothers wife)