hey guys lets give them smartphones and have them smash ist and ism words after we brainwash them into our new definition system then pay them to sit their to make horseshit articles.
Reform the defintions by taking out the ist and isms and everything should return to normal. Can't imagine a muslim president wouldn't sabotage the language system on his way out.
If you quit calling them terrorists they probably wouldn't be terrorizing things/ Fuck off with your ist and isms.
Yea their money was drained out over the years due to the drugs flowing in from the immigration and your sitting there calling your own citizens the ist and ism words, you go fuck yourself with your crippled brain.
No because I can think jews for adding new definitions and starting 2 world wars with their ists and isms and you continuing the use of those words to punish people for not having any say in the matter, Go the fuck back to Europe and suck your dads dick faggot.
ist and isms
How's that crippled brain of yours?
Doubt the jails would be so full if they didn't flood them with such a shity fuckin culture. You have to re-define the words you use with them.
No you got to teach them their ist ism words so they get cripple brain
filtered for ist isms cripple brain
this, overusing the ist ism words on people is what started this entire fiasco of the media hunting people in the public. wtf is wrong this this picture?
43% Americans Believe Socity Would Be Good For The Nation"
Nice choice of words when re-formated. It don't make sense
but anon \43% Americans Believe Society Would Be Good For The Nation"