"Die Welt" is one of the most popular newspapers here.
As you can see in the link: today.
Not every german goes daily in wikipedia and googles AM. The most of them are reading newspapers or read news online (also today).
"Die Welt" is one of the most popular newspapers here.
As you can see in the link: today.
Not every german goes daily in wikipedia and googles AM. The most of them are reading newspapers or read news online (also today).
"Die Welt" is one of the most popular newspapers here.
As you can see in the link: today.
Not every german goes daily in wikipedia and googles AM. The most of them are reading newspapers or read news online (also today).
http:// www.juedische-allgemeine.de/article/view/id/26945
AM gots the Ohel-Jakob-Medaille,
one of the highest order in the jewish community.
Q said: she was warned. He also brings the WWII topic on. We are all waiting here very curios on what is to come. I guess for the most of the people will be a eye (and mind) opener.
he also said: this is not about religion. This is about economic control built up after WWII (with official and dubious money) that is going until the UE community in our days. This is about power. Always follow the money. The US (CIA) also released some papers with proof that they support germans after WWII in Argentina etc. and we all know who went there.
this also could be from interest, to understand some key deals has been done even back in WW1:
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2364ZSioj4
this is why I think, P could stay for Palestina. There all started. In WW1. Hitler helped jew people to escape (with their values) to Palestina.
right. Roths supported all this back in WW1 and brings first the Brith and and later US in. Roths owns Israel (and a lot of other countries).
Pinar is quite probable regarding the map