Brennan already panicking!
Just thinking…did Q make these two posts knowing about the Grass Valley pipe bomb thing? It's funny the MSM made no bones about calling them bombs.
Excellent, anon!
Though with the disclaimer the police gave no info as to the target of the pipe bombs.
And I first noticed Comey's tweet was gone on Friday the 17th, the day before they arrested the woman.
What of the decode where we thought each job meant a different FF? Should that be on a timeline too?
–The synagogue/church shootings that weekend
–The zinc plant fire/silicone plant explosion
–The FBI raid on the would-be Jihadist
Or even the gun sting in LA? An anon said earlier the guy arrested there matches some other whacko from Grass Valley.
Somebody say Grilled Cheese?
With fried baloney and sweet Pepe pickles, yum!