==CULTUREAmerican Cardinal Calls Limiting Muslim Immigration ‘Responsible’
Cardinal Raymond Burke believes it is moral and patriotic to limit Muslim immigration to Christian countries==
No shit Sherlock
United States Cardinal Raymond Burke told attendees at an Italian pro-life conference that limiting Muslim immigration to Christian nations is a wise move, citing Europe’s recent history as an illustration for its necessity.
According to the National Catholic Reporter, Burke stressed the differences between Islam and Christianity, telling the audience at the pro-life conference that Islam “believes itself to be destined to rule the world,” and adding that “You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see what has happened in Europe.”
He also called the decision to limit mass Muslim immigration a “responsible” decision.
National Catholic Reporter reported:
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Burke said that the while the church must be generous to “individuals that are not able to find a way of living in their own country,” this is not the case for many Muslim migrants, “who are opportunists.”
The cardinal mentioned the book “No Go Zones: How Sharia Law is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You,” written by former Breitbart News reporter Raheem Kassam, as evidence that Muslim immigration is having an effect even in the United States….