I like detonating truth bombs on the pHARMaceutical companies. Here's one for the benefit of "Boomers". Seqirus markets flu vaccines. FLUAD is "adjuvanted" (their term) for people over 65. Why 65? I'm guessing that is when the DS has decided we should be "culled" and our assets stripped. Anyway, looking at the advertising for this execration, you will see some suspicious things. First, you need to dig a bit to discover that the adjuvant is SQUALENE. This oil-based adjuvant is admitted by Seqirus to be a natural component of the human body. At first glance this seems ok, but think about it for a minute. Imagine injecting a substance (along with some flu antigens plus a bunch of toxins and contaminants) that is DESIGNED to hyper stimulate the immune system. See the problem: There's a good chance your body will develop antibodies to SQUALENE, resulting in profound autoimmunity particularly if you've also been the victim of other vaccines (I think aluminum containing ones would be especially bad). Is Seqirus aware of this? They should be Gary Matsumoto wrote an entire book on the subject called "Vaccine A: The Covert Government Experiment That's Killing Our Soldiers and Why GI's Are Only the First Victims". The "selling point" for FLUAD is that it should help those over 65 with weakened or weaker immune systems to have a strong response to the flu vaccine. However, with virtually no irony this is a question and answer presented in the facts about the shot: "What if I have a weakened immune system?" "Tell your health care provider if you have problems with your immune system as your immune response to the vaccine may be reduced." !!
I believe I was trained from a young age to resist the programming. I don't think it was intrinsic to myself, but God preparing me to be who I am now. We gave up tv sometimes for extended times and people at school were shocked that we didn't have one for a while. I never "fit in" and I got used to being alone in my beliefs. I have been through a good amount of trauma, but a practitioner I saw (not MD) called what happened to me "post traumatic growth". I threw myself in desperation and fear against a satanic stronghold in my community (PP) and suffered A LOT for it. I also hated tech and banks. I suffered for about 7 years. Now I am well and off all psych meds. When my happiness was restored my faith was, too. I know God loves me and I am not afraid anymore. The crazy thing is that going through something like that(desperate acts followed by massive suffering that you eventually GET OVER) made me bolder and less fearful than ever before in my life. Satan and his cabal would like to believe they can destroy us, when we belong to God the bad things don't destroy us they make us who we were meant to be. Romans 8:28
The Democrats need a constant stream of financing to continue to buy votes due to their weak and elitist ideas. They are massively supported by pharmaceutical companies which expect Democrats to keep voting for and supporting profitable vaccine mandates (They profit from the sale of the vaccines and even more massively from the chronic diseases that result.). Ilhan Omar is a Democrat who clearly disdains America and the Jews. Just as our institutions have been "hijacked" by evil operatives, the term Jew seems to have been co-opted by a group of atheist and satanic human-sacrificing cabal members who'd love to see conservative religious communities of ANY stripe destroyed. Conservative religious people, be they Muslim, Christian, Jewish or other generally recognize some sort of natural order for families. They tend to have larger, healthier and happier families and are usually an asset to their communities. Religious Jews in New York are directly being persecuted at this time, as relatively harmless measles cases are being blamed on them and they are facing coerced injections for their very young children and threats of massive fines. I distinguish "synagogue of satan" from Jews. I wouldn't necessarily be protesting Ilhan Omar's insensitivity alone but I would protest draconian vaccine mandates specifically applied to Orthodox Jewish parts of New York as is currently happening.
Wow. I see so much wrong with that story! Healthy people quarantined, not to protect them but under the assumption that if you are not vaccinated you are a danger. What the cabal really wants to prevent is for healthy students to catch measles and be immune for life without toxic health-destroying MMR vaccines. If the vaccines work you have nothing to fear from exposure to measles. Vaccines don't work as described.
I don't watch a lot of Fox anymore. Tucker seemed like he was willing to get really honest and start talking about vaccines (RFK, Jr scheduled) but that got shut down. I do think Sara Carter and Sean Hannity are educating people. The repetition is useful/needed against MSM programming, but it isn't enough for me anymore. Not sure if this has anything nefarious to it, its just that after learning to get my news by looking for it, I don't like being spoon fed anymore.
I think drones sound like something from the book of Revelation. The term "AI" just connected with something Biblical in my mind today. Any anons familiar with the book of Joshua? The people of God are headed into the promised land and doing very well, but they start having trouble when they reach a city named Ai (not making this up). Why was God no longer blessing the people in their advance? Someone Achan (A chan?!) had secretly taken illicit spoils (from Joshua 7:21) " a beautiful Babylonian garment, two hundred shekels of silver and a wedge of gold weighing 50 shekels". Is this a warning against being a "pay-triot"? Is it a warning against partaking of the Babylon system somehow? Or something else. Anyway, I though the names were a bit uncanny. After Achan was killed along with his family, his livestock and all his possessions, God showed Joshua that he could now take the city of Ai. Joshua set an ambush and all the people of Ai were killed and the king hanged. Joshua 7 and 8 are the chapters containing these stories.