posted at 649, a little late….
>>6555114 pb
>>6555144 pb
Actually the current bake will be moar like 2 hours. Not bad at all. It's the bake after THAT which is 5+ hours. Kek.
Nowadays, every baker is a shill baker. Latest shill campaign. They get bored with the same old thing and have to move on every so often.
Just don't try to do the entire bred when it's really long. Do a couple hours, then hand off. Or ghost. Anons can take notes. I can pro'bly bake later, take first or second shift on next bred (2-3 hours from now?). Will try to fill in gaps, whatever they are, get the bred far enough along for it to reach am baker.
Yes, was notable. Could be a global notable, though. Watkins is such an autist, so grateful to him for establishing this free speech board. He knows the media is gunning for him–and for the board. Would call for moar prayer, but you're probably all praying all the time, anyway, at this point. Tough time, Q warned us this would come.
Might be seeing an influx for VOATers soon as well? Another major development……
Blessings, fellow anons, thanks for all you do.
JZ Knight and Ramtha have been around for decades, Sommer will use anything to cast Q followers as faggots. Any excuse for a hit piece. This one is number 17 and 18. A total jerkoff. Hope you're reading this, Will, you're a sorry excuse for a "journalist."
Right back at you, anon.