1) Anons, do we remember the days where Q was posting 30+ times a day? Giving us guidance to decipher the media disinformation and teaching us how to counter [their] erroneous narratives?
Notice how Q has slowed significantly?
There is a reason. We have transcended.
2) The Q operation has largely served its purpose. Q trained Us to break the matrix and see through the media lies. Q gave us the blueprint on how to defeat the enemy. We successfully followed the blueprint.
We have taken over of the idea of information.
3) Don’t believe me? See below.
@CNNPolitics has 2.7 million followers. Their tweet still has yet to hit 100 likes.
I have 8k followers. My RT about their tweet has 1666 likes.
They have 337.5 times the amount of followers I have, yet I pump out 18 times the interactions.
4) That alone is remarkable, and that’s just me. I am one of many of the Anons who now control the media. We are the news. We are what the People consume. The People come to Us for their news. For analysis. For truth.
Q was training Us on how to sustain ourselves.
5) Q freed us from the media. The #1 enemy of the People. Now We hold the power and the brainwashing machine has been broken. Broken by a band of Patriots with an insatiable desire to free the world of this mental and psychological prison that is (was) the MSM.
We got this now.
6) Personally, I’m not bothered at all that Q has slowed in posting. That means We passed our training. It means Q team feels confident enough in the citizen journalists to keep the public well educated
The “Digital Army” have passed basic training. This was the Q operation.
7) Now, We common citizens, are the key holders of the largest intelligence apparatus ever conceived. The multi-billion dollar networks are getting smoked by an Infantryman sipping on Blue Moon and he’s got a big ass army of highly motivated citizen journalists at his back.
8) [They] cannot stop Us now. The day will come where Q never posts again. I am confident that when that day comes, the Anons and citizen journalists will be capable of continuing the mission of bringing truth to the masses.
Thanks for the training, Q team. We are ready.