Your mom’s a whore
When you were a kid you shit your pants beyond what is socially acceptable.
Weinfuck and NXIVM cunts.
Digitfagging is the lowest form of fagging.
Just to give you an idea of how frowned upon it is, it’s something Jack Pissobiec wood do.
You come on 8ch to distract is Your dad is a child porn producer or something.
I come on 8ch to push your shit in, prison style.
Kek! Stop and think about this meme for a second.
Unless you are a someone who lurks the chin, you would have no idea what this means. But because WE live here, we know, we find it motivational, and it’s funny. Folks - we really built something here didn’t we? In short order, too.
Who knows what this thing will look like a year from now. 5 years from now. The American people are not going back to sleep, that much I know. Moar Patriots means faster and deeper digs. And I’m excited to see what that memes for the meme culture here in General Discussion.
The word “The” is a real bugaboo of mine, and here you have it thrice.
Now that I think about it, with “teen talk” and abbreviated texts, I’m pretty sure it’s being phased out.
Trip trips