Yes- SICK. Sorry to break thatโฆ
Did you make one with Stevens yet? pic related
This is why you see 'LURK MOAR' so often.
It's hard to fight when you're not using the right ammo. pic related
Hey SCOREBOARD faggots:
It's not a game, shills.
There is no winning score.
It's about your eternal soul, which you already hocked to get in to the shit show.
Been wanting to say; GOOD works you're posting Anon.
Do ya think these proceeds are going to the Treasury or back to their off-shore accounts?
Remaining shares will simply evaporate, right?
Those shares will remain in the IRA's of Americans and they will be worth-less.
>June 6th? D-Day?
D Day is __D__onald Trump's Day. Yes 6.6.19
But those be some crazy mirrored numbers.
>WTF is this?
Another attempt to brand us as a cult.
QUESTION: If you're already in a cult, it is appropriate to have another cult on the side?