Anonymous ID: 5da339 May 22, 2019, 12:19 a.m. No.6556547   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons, this is probably bullshit, but is there chance that if for example more than 50 Anons (or more) filter same ID, all posts from that ID would be automatically deleted from board?


Somehow to not harm normal posters, only spammers.

Anonymous ID: 5da339 May 22, 2019, 12:28 a.m. No.6556566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6570

Circle it.

Something isn't right.


I think some of us have always felt this. We look around and we see so much chaos and suffering around us. We look within ourselves and we feel as though we are not good enough. There is a loneliness to us, an emptiness even.


Our current reality including the depravity of others and the emptiness we feel within ourselves, can be explained through a deeper understanding of our metaphysical composition. It isn't a wildly uncommon idea that I am referencing as I'm referring to the framework of perceiving our being as the interplay of the Mind, Body, and Spirit.


The reason why we see so much chaos and violence in the world is because essentially, we are spiritual beings. The spirit - we have observed and perhaps experienced for ourselves - is a nearly an inexhaustible resource(though not to say everyone can tap into as easily). While the Mind and Body have their limits, the spirit appears to expand as far as you are willing. The archetypal story of David and Goliath is a symbolic telling of this truth.


And because we are blind of this fact, the potentially infinite nature of one third of our being(the Spirit), individuals and thereby society( as the former is the building block of the latter,) is imbalanced either towards the mind, the body, or both the mind and the body with the spirit being neglected.


The reason why the mysterious powers of the Spirit lay dormant is well, there is an active agenda(by corrupt beings in high places) to promote this sort of imbalance in humanity. By promoting a reductionist materialistic framework of science, defining intelligence solely based on our intellect(Mind), or by continuously normalizing the pursuit of hedonistic pleasures and of mindlessly hoarding wealth for one's self or their families(Body).


And because of our continued buying in of this manufactured "reality," people are playing the game except both the winners and the losers are essentially losers as they are playing the wrong game. And this is where the subtle and persistent feeling of "something isn't right," originates; from the imbalance that is being created through the neglect of the needs of the Spirit.


We were created in the Image of God. This means that our nature is really God's nature. But before any of that, one must realize that we do as humans in fact, have a nature. Many people simply view this as a Conscience, a force that reveals what is right or wrong and while this is definitely a vital piece of the aforementioned, we can take the idea of Conscience even further and posit that what we call a Conscience is really just our fundamental nature repelling anything that it is not.


So from this, we can infer that this is why we fear death and value life(survival instinct). Because God is by nature Eternal(in existence) and death is the opposite of this. We don't like to hurt others because by nature, the spirit is one. Just like electricity that powers a city or the air that all human being share, the spirit is also one(it is just our minds that have allowed for a different perspective rather than a different reality, the latter which 99% of humans falsely believe). It is self-evident why one would dislike hurting(making something closer to non-existence) itself.


We have an insatiable appetite in every way. We want more of this and that, regardless of whether whatever is desired is ultimately good or bad. The point is that it almost appears as though we are wired to strive for eternity, just as we see bugs flying towards the light, there is a force within us that wants infinity. Of course this is because infinity is our nature.


These are just the main ones and the list continues. Why we value Truth, why we value certain virtues… If we reevaluate history through this framework, the idea of Jesus Christ being God makes more sense. Jesus Christ is the image of the manifestation of our unlimited Spirit within Man/Woman. At our worst we are all Lucifer. And at our best, we become the Christ of our inner and outer worlds.