Anonymous ID: 62d54e May 21, 2019, 10:21 p.m. No.6556176   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6191 >>6197


> HATING on WRAY…What gives?


I think Wray is a known bad apple who was put where he is to lead to and identify other, hidden, bad apples. Visiting each FBI field office physically was to pass info that Wray thought wouldn't be tracked as electronic methods would.


My 2 cents.

Anonymous ID: 62d54e May 21, 2019, 10:56 p.m. No.6556320   🗄️.is 🔗kun



So, maybe the message to Schumer and Pelosi was, "Get your shit together over there or all DECLAS will be made public."


If that's the case, Pelosi can't control the house dems. She keeps trotting Nadless and Cummins out there to throw crumbs to an insatiable left wing but the rebels keep fucking it up by pushing the envelope even further. Hope Hicks is pretty close to daughter status for DJT, IMO, and impeachment talk by pipsqueak AOC is over the edge ridiculous.


I wonder how Schumer is keeping his side in line? I'm guessing Schumer and DJT go way back and can't/won't bullshit each other. That might lead the senate rebels to go stir shit up on the house side. Pelosi may actually be too cognitively impaired at his point to get a handle on it.


I think this has to come down to reasonable dems who have been forced to bite their tongues saying fuck it and flipping. That would, all things considered, be the least painful and effective solution. Alternative is full disclosure and military intervention in the judicial process.