Anonymous ID: 73c772 May 21, 2019, 11:46 p.m. No.6556472   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Austrian Journalist confirms: "For a year there were roumours about the Strache video in Austrian journalist circles"

That journalist is Florian Klenk who works for the Austrian press "Falter" he's Chief Editor.

He's also a key person in the Panama Papers, working for the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ).

The Panama Papers were disclosed by "CPI" Center for Public Integrity. This center is financed by George Soros.

The Open Society funds more than 30% of the overall operations of the CPI.

One of the reasons the Panama Papers had been disclosed is to get rid of people THEY didn't want to operate anymore.

FUNNY ENOUGH the Panama Papers have also disclosed some of George Soros' wrongdoing, but the Media was completely silent about that.

The Washington Examiner was the only outlet WORLDWIDE to report on this. THANK YOU WASH-EX for your honest work here!

Another KEY person in the Panama Papers was "Georg Mascolo" who formed a research network, comprising 2 of Germany's state TV channels

and the Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ), the outlet that disclosed the recently released video which would overthrow the Austrian government.

Germany's most important and most viewed state TV channel "ARD" is hosting him as "Terrorism expert".

They won the Pullitzer Price for behind the scenes disclosure, even though they haven't worked anything but obtained the

Panama Papers and simply dumped the illegally obtained source on the public.



Now there's a German spy involved in all of this: Werner Mauss (alias: Claus Möllner, Dieter Koch, Richard Nelson)

A secret money pool, of which Mauss says he's not the owner, is hosted by Swiss Bank "UBS" in Panama which is allegedly of a secret society

with the name "Autoridades de seguridad del oeste" (Security Agencies of the West). This money pool financed Mauss' war on terror

and crime. Mauss said that he can not disclose who is behind the secretive fund. Allegedly the Vatican, the state of Israel

and humanitarian Organizations are invovled.

Before mentioned Journalist Mascolo, was the one who reported on this at that time.

Werner Mauss himself says the Journalists reporting on this aren't even objective in their research and can not be,

because Mascolo and his colleagues were among those that profited from secretive funding of foreign donors.

Mascolo is open about his research on money flows, but is himself involved in same procedures.

Their operations had been funded by Western nation's agencies.

Specifically, he's involved in the peace process of ELN guerrillas and Columbia.

The journalists wanted to release secret information about the process, to break the news with this information,

even though, knowing that they would destroy the peace process with disclosing the information.

FAME AND MONEY, no matter the costs anons…

Back to today: The former BND (Germany's CIA) chief August Hanning, is calling the release of the video of Austria's vice president

certainly a move to influence the upcoming elections, since the video is 2 years old.,view=conversionToLogin.bild.html#fromWall

Hanning said: "The compromising video raises serious questions: Who's behind it? Who passed the video to the press?

The newspapers "Der Spiegel" and "Süddeutsche Zeitung" must disclose their source because of the weight and consequences of their actions.

A particular "informant-protection" can't be realized because of the magnitude of their disclosure.


SOOOOO, we have a research group, that is being funded by the State of Israel, the Vatican, humanitarian NGO's and is overthrowing

right wing Government's in Europe to meddle in the upcoming elections.


This is part 1 and I'll make another post, because your former CIA chief is also implicated in this, though not directly, but to Mauss and

some dubious death of spy's in Europe.