Anonymous ID: 7693d5 May 22, 2019, 12:34 a.m. No.6556578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6583


The machinery is breaking down.


The strength of the left has become their weakness. The left doesn't necessarily need a centralized order distribution system. The conspiracy was in the centralized indoctrination that could be wielded by the media and the democrats. A culture of groupthink.

No one necessarily needs to radio in from the CIA to tell every reporter to spin against Trump. There may be talking point memos circulated and there is certainly evidence of them, but the general pattern is cultural at this point.

The media expected Mueller to indict Trump. When that didn't happen… They were confused (normally, the democrats in office have better control over who gets smacked with a lawsuit), but otherwise unfazed - they knew the Special Counsel wrote the thing and that they needed to spin it as if Mueller found all kinds of things wrong - but was obstructed.


The democrats up top, however, know that Mueller is not dancing to their tune, and are trying to process how to push forward since they usually just have magical assistance from the departmental agencies to make their claims appear to hold water.


They are blind and the bad actors left in intelligence agencies know their own networks have been compromised - so they are effectively at a game ending scenario where they can only hope outcry from the public can be swayed to leverage politicians.


The globalists are pulling at war and economic levers, but many of these have already been headed off. China is a massive economic lever, but it was already being over leveraged to try and destroy target markets elsewhere. If anything, China needs a break from trying to supply for foreign market demand so it can concentrate on its own domestic hellscape. So while the tariffs appear all angry and horrible, they are a massive relief to the strained output of China's factories (or complete lack of them supplemented by people trying to run injection molding equipment in their living room).


I mean - China is fucked in the currency wars, but that was going to come home to roost one way or the other.


So, what it all boils down to is that the few pegs that allowed the groupthink to "win" the past decade or even longer have been taken out, and the whole system is a runaway train of headless chickens.

Anonymous ID: 7693d5 May 22, 2019, 1:03 a.m. No.6556626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6694


I think this is bigger than just this.


Yes, Hillary was corrupt, yes - assets and programs were exposed….

But how many of these programs were part of any kind of coherent foreign policy in the first place?

U.S. foreign policy has been absolutely out of control since Operation Ajax. We went from being a relatively modest power in the early 1900s to one of the first superpowers in the 1940s, and neither society nor law was really prepared for the government-industrial complex and how it simply assumed the mantle of deciding what was in our interests, globally.


Entire developmental programs have lived and died in secret, entire nations exist under "our" thumb with the puppet strings veiled in shadow….

To me - "potus was set up" is just par for the course. It is exactly what one would expect to happen if they have any understanding of what is going on.

The REAL issues are all behind that. They strike at the fact we have no checks or balances on the CIA. We have no real constitutionally defined process for foreign policy other than the President is in charge of issues of diplomacy - but who sets the policy? Who checks military spending or rules on where we have our bases … Or if we can make North Korea a puppet state?


Things like this need to be stopped and considered.

Anonymous ID: 7693d5 May 22, 2019, 1:18 a.m. No.6556660   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think anon is referring to the notion that economics is a zero-sum game where in the markets one must be a winner while the other must be a loser.


If I trade you something I made for something you made, because those things help each of us do our jobs more effectively/efficiently… Then even if the "value" of the trade could be argued to favor one or the other of us, the notion is just silly. You are not looking to turn around and sell the tool/machinery you just got, so it doesn't matter if what you gave me was "worth more" or not.


The zero-sum game worked while there were artificial restrictions placed on outputs, capacities, etc by using market ploys, regulation, and hostile takeovers to destroy honest competition. With those barriers removed, the world can become as productive as it theoretically wants to be. There's no reason aluminum should be scarce, for example.


If you've played minecraft or a host of other crafting games out there, you get the idea. One of the first things such games prompt is the realization that "wait a minute … If the people who I play this game with and I were running businesses, we would already be scheduling tours for Pluto… What the fuck is wrong with these idiots!?" True - the games make things seem easy that are more of a challenge than it first appears - but there's a lot of completely unnecessary fuckery going on with the market.

Anonymous ID: 7693d5 May 22, 2019, 1:59 a.m. No.6556770   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm of the opinion that what we have is inadequate on the whole. We weren't designed to operate on this scale or to have checks in place. The Constitution doesn't really outline the rights of other nations. This may sound somewhat odd - but as it is, hypocrisy is entirely constitutional. We can run black ops overseas and run God only knows what through puppet nations … And it's not really illegal.

Our Bill of Rights is in regards to the laws our government is allowed to make and the actions it is allowed to take. We can't be forced to house soldiers in our homes without due process, for example. We could turn a school house into a brothel, though, if it's in a foreign country. We can conduct unrestricted propaganda warfare against them, subvert their sovereignty, and lie to our own citizens about it.


Sure - I get it, wars can be dirty business and our enemies are willing to use dirty tactics, too… But when you know the truth of what happened in places like Yugoslavia …. It's fucked up as hell. Not only did we destroy them for … Whatever reason suited the decade - the CIA ran prostitution and sex slavery rings there… Probably still does. U.N. officials would take escaped slaves and put them back into the hands of their captors.


"Well, senators are supposed to…"


….. Yeah…….. They are supposed to….

There is a reason I don't consider myself a patriot. This entire show disgusts me. It disgusts me on a visceral level that is hard to put to words. I get it. But "OMG, Potus was set up …" Potus this. Potus that. Fisa this and that and the other. Sure - I get it. It's a necessary gateway…. But I'll be honest. If you gave me the button that would put a nuke in DC or the homes of the people responsible for this - I would mash that thing until the fallout killed me all the way out here.


Maybe not quite that crazy… But I don't trust myself to act in a composed or dignified manner. I HATE these people. And, to some degree… I hate the society that is so ingrained in itself that it doesn't truly comprehend its value or its actions to the rest of the world. I know I am compromised at an emotional level and have a lot of bitterness toward the sleeping or the sleep-walking who appear awake at first glance, but are not acting consciously.


I don't truly believe in the constitution or our processes. I am exaggerating a bit - but never send a peasant at heart to do a noble's job. The people looking to simply make their lives comfortable and simple have sold their nation to predators. As much as I like the idea, the U.S. Government and constitution is like company tools in a factory. No one takes care of what they don't own or can pass off to the next shift. The tool you need got lost months ago and everyone tries to squander a set for themselves in their locker. It only works with ID tags and shock collars that lay people out on the ground for grabbing tools that aren't theirs.

Anonymous ID: 7693d5 May 22, 2019, 2:09 a.m. No.6556788   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There are many people who have suffered injustices and I am only one person… And there are people who I suspect endured much, and I lament being able to do little for them of substance.