Anonymous ID: a10114 May 22, 2019, 1:02 a.m. No.6556621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6629

D Day is coming, Anons!


I get Ben Fulford's newsletter. And no matter what you think of him Anons, take note of this excerpt from his newsletter published on Monday:


"…Hopefully the liberation of the United States from Khazarian mafia control will be the trigger. Here, Pentagon sources are now telling us that, “As sealed indictments approach 100,000, Mueller time is over; time to pay the Barr tab.” However, we keep waiting for these indictments to be acted upon and want to see action, not talk, on this front.


The sources respond that as a start, U.S. President Donald Trump “may” release Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz and former FBI Director James Comey reports, plus declassify FISA documents before leaving for the UK and France on June 2 to celebrate the 75th anniversary of D-Day. “D-Day may come to have a new meaning,” the sources say."


Not his official site, which is behind paywall, but enough is there: