Anonymous ID: b471f0 May 21, 2019, 9:47 p.m. No.6556055   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6065 >>6121 >>6243 >>6265 >>6386 >>6532 >>6641 >>6744

>John Walker Lindh, American ex-Taliban militant, set to walk free Thursday

(Fox News) - The Islamic militant who became known as the infamous "American Taliban" member is set to be released from a U.S. federal prison Thursday despite lawmakers' concerns about the “security and safety implications” of freeing an unrepentant terrorist who officials say continues to “openly call for extremist violence.”

John Walker Lindh, who is currently behind bars in Terre Haute, Indiana, is set to be discharged May 23, several years before he would complete the prescribed 20-year prison sentence he received for joining and supporting the Taliban. The former Islamist fighter and enemy combatant, named “Detainee 001 in the war on terror,” was arrested in 2001, just months after the Sept. 11 attacks and the start of the war in Afghanistan, along with a group of Taliban fighters who were captured by U.S. forces.


Will not be surprised at all if this piece of shit is complicit in the next major terror event on our soil.