Anonymous ID: b8cdcb May 22, 2019, midnight No.6556513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6520

→8 MAY 2019: Defunct Steel maker's 21-Story Headquarters Imploded - ABC News


→Martin Tower in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania - Coincidence POTUS was just in Penn talking about steel??


→Bethlehem (Iron)works Steel -Pennsylvania Address: 1170 8th Ave


→This Company supplied all the steel for WTC buildings!


→Christ born, Emmanuel 23 | 46 God in the flesh


→On 9/11 Bush invoked Psalms 23 +10yrs →Obama invoked Psalms 46 (69)


→Building= Cruciform Design (Cross) Demolished on 5/19/2019 32,000,000 lbs. Steel><23


→Good bad, up down, yin yang, Satans lie, because surly you will die! The meaning of →(69)


→Bethlehem to the Cross. 23. Blood of the Lamb. 46 69 Iron and Clay.


Anons not sure the meaning of all this - The connections you can't deny. Video less than 10 please watch.

Q quote "this isn't a game" comes to mind. I see the evil in these connections.


Defunct Steelmaker's 21-Story Headquarters Imploded - ABC News