Anonymous ID: bee599 May 21, 2019, 10:39 p.m. No.6556252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6386 >>6532 >>6641 >>6744

Citizens for Corporate Accountability Aims Full-Page Anti-SPLC Ad at Amazon


Citizens for Corporate Accountability has taken out a full-page advertisement out in the Seattle Times calling on e-commerce giant Amazon to drop its association with the far-left SPLC pressure group. The Citizens for Corporate Accountability recently took out a full-page advertisement in the Seattle Times calling for e-commerce giant Amazon to cut ties with the SPLC. CCA told Breitbart News in an email:


To date, Citizens for Corporate Accountability has sent over 75,000 emails to Amazon and it’s Board of Directors since beginning this effort about 10 days ago. The Amazon Smile Charitable Support Program, which has delivered over $100 million to nonprofits, denies access to any organization on the SPLC blacklist. CCA points out that numerous print articles in recent months have established this blacklist deliberately mixes together mainstream conservative nonprofits with small and violent extremist hate groups. In the Seattle Times ad, CCA asks Amazon to make its own decisions about eligibility based on clear public standards with due process for organizations denied access.


The first paragraph of the ad placed in the Seattle Times states: “Amazon promotes its “Smile” program as “a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop.” That is, unless your favorite nonprofit appears on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s so-called “hate group list,” in which case it is blacklisted by Amazon. The SPLC and its list are fundamentally flawed. Amazon must abandon them.”


In a letter sent to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and the company’s Senior Vice President of Global Corporate Affairs, Jay Carney, in April of this year, CCA requested that the e-commerce giant cease its work with the SPLC. CCA specifically took issue with how the SPLC designates certain organizations as “hate groups” and how this has affected the Amazon Smile program which allows Amazon shoppers to donate money to particular charities.


CCA says that the SPLC ranks hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan alongside mainstream conservative organizations in an unfair manner: “The ‘hate group’ list falsely purports to identify dangerous organizations promoting hate and violence, and Amazon has acceded to the demands of SPLC that Amazon terminate participation of named organizations in the Amazon Smile program. However, this list mixes together racist and violent organizations like the Ku Klux Klan with those that simply espouse mainstream political and social views with which the SPLC and apparently many of its donors disagree. For this reason, the list is permanently compromised, and cannot be relied upon for business decisions by Amazon or any other organization.”


In one case highlighted by Breitbart News in 2018, the Christian legal non-profit Alliance for Defending Freedom was blacklisted from the Amazon Smile program after the SPLC designated it a “hate group.”


Letter in full:

Anonymous ID: bee599 May 21, 2019, 11:26 p.m. No.6556405   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Amazing Polly

DISTURBING - You Won't Believe This "Coincidence"


I was doing some research on Impossible Foods, when I came upon this video, what lead me was this crazy descriptor of the link to Impossible Foods website:


IMPOSSIBLE TM BURGER - Food - Impossible Foods

[Search domain]

I consent to Impossible Foods using my personal data (including my email address) to send me commercial electronic messages, including emails, about Impossible Foods' products and services. If I am located outside the United States, I consent to the transfer of my information to the United States.


Not wanting to take a chance I took the alternative tube. Anyway, what she outlines here is this:


She managed to find the headquarters address, (which is not easy) What she discovers here is that this company is located in the heart of Silicon Valley Industrial Park location, in addition to that, this building is completely windowless, and this is where it's spoopy…Planned P is located directly across the street. Now you have to ask yourself this:


Why is a PP clinic located in a commercial industrial park? This location does not appear to accept patients. So now Big Question here is this… Is there a possibility of some sort of Tunnel access between the 2 companies?


I ask this because: What kind of ingredients are used in this fake meat that bleeds? Word of caution, if you don't have the stomach for this don't watch, it's really quite disgusting.

Anonymous ID: bee599 May 21, 2019, 11:58 p.m. No.6556504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6517 >>6532 >>6641 >>6744

Former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Joins the Atlantic, ABC News


Former Democratic Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has found a new role as a contributor to two major media outlets. Emanuel's last day in office was Monday, but only a day later the former White House chief of staff has already found roles at the Atlantic and ABC News.


"Former Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel is joining The Atlantic as a contributing editor, where he’ll write for the Ideas section," Politico's Michael Calderone was the first to report. "Emanuel has written several times for The Atlantic in recent months, including on ‘what the press is missing about Pete Buttigieg.'" Emanuel's first piece for the magazine argued that Democrats should seize upon populist anger at elites in 2020 the way Trump had in 2016, writing, "if Democrats want to address simmering middle-class anger, they need to deliver justice."


Later that day, the Daily Beast reported that Emanuel will also be joining ABC News as a political analyst, appearing primarily on Good Morning America. According to their sources, Emanuel was in talks with both MSNBC and CNN before landing at ABC. Emanuel is a controversial figure both within his own party and in Chicago. The two-term mayor had to bow out of his 2019 re-election bid amid low approval ratings driven by his handling of the investigation into the police shooting of young black man Laquan McDonald.

Anonymous ID: bee599 May 22, 2019, 12:34 a.m. No.6556577   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6641 >>6744

Report Shows Online Ties Linking HuffPost, the Guardian, and SPLC to Antifa


Violent protesters identifying as anti-fascist or "Antifa" have harassed various people across the country, demonizing conservatives and particularly those who support President Donald Trump. Activists have bashed people in the head with bike locks, hit their own political allies in the back of the head during protests, and even launched a plot to buy guns from a Mexican cartel to "stage an armed rebellion" at the border, according to an FBI investigation. Despite these attacks and more, journalists with HuffPost, The Guardian, and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) have maintained connections with Antifa activists, a new report revealed. The SPLC, which makes its mark by following organizations it accuses of being "hate groups," has taken some flak for refusing to brand Antifa a "hate group." Perhaps this report explains why.


Eoin Lenihan, a former teacher and current analyst focused on online extremism, announced that his team had "mapped the social interactions of 58,254 Antifa affiliated accounts on Twitter based on an initial seed of 16 self-identifying and verifiable Antifa accounts (and Mark Bray who chose not to confirm if he is a member of Antifa but whose book makes a solid case for inclusion)." In a long Twitter thread, Lenihan revealed the results of his study, zeroing in on the 1.65 percent of Twitter accounts most closely connected with Antifa, a total of 962 accounts. Each had a minimum of eight connections with known activists.


After mentioning a few journalists with close Antifa connections and Twitter bios mentioning their anti-fascist affiliation, Lenihan turned to Emily Gorcenski, who "uses Twitter to dox those she deems fascist. Further she created the 'First Vigil' website that processes court documents to share the personal information of suspected members of the far right. In cases where people are found innocent (50%), info is still shared." Then the researcher turned to the journalists who work for HuffPost, The Guardian, and the SPLC.

"Jason Wilson writes for the Guardian. In a recent piece in which he reports on an intelligence report by the ROCIC which states that Antifa are responsible for street violence just as the far right are, he heavily relies on Mark Bray as a primary source to attack the report," Lenihan tweeted. "Mark Bray - also in the top 2% of our dataset - & author of Antifa: The Antifascist Handbook (he donated 50% of profits to the Antifa International Defence Fund) is a recurring Wilson source in his columns. Together they downplay Antifa violence & extremism in The Guardian."

"Christopher Mathias is a senior writer at [HuffPost] who specialises in the Far Right. In a recent piece he wrote about members of Identity Europa he spread the doxes of several alleged members serving in the military," Lenihan continued. When Mathias doxed these alleged Identity Europa service members, "he had no idea of their innocence or guilt and as of his pinned tweet, the matter is still only under investigation." Mathias took the service members' identities from an Antifa news outlet that published leaked discord servers from Identity Europa. The HuffPost writer "lets Antifa doxers do the heavy work, he does the national level doxing." Lenihan also noted that Mathias outed a "Prominent white supremacist" in HuffPost. That article got the man investigated, but the man was later cleared of wrongdoing and allowed to return to work.

Anonymous ID: bee599 May 22, 2019, 12:41 a.m. No.6556590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6605 >>6606 >>6641 >>6744

How Big Was The Trump Rally In Pennsylvania? BIG.


Oh what a beautiful sight it was! President Trump walked into (traditionally blue state) Pennsylvania and was greeted by THOUSANDS of supporters! Many of which had stood outside in the heat waiting all day for him to arrive. Amazing!


Oh, and that’s despite the report from that only less than 5,000 people live in that town: Trump held a rally in Montoursville, Pennsylvania on Monday, May 20, just two days after Biden’s rally in Philadelphia. Trump’s rally was held at the Energy Aviation Hangar in Montoursville, PA. A large crowd was waiting to greet him, even though Montoursville only has a population of about 4,777. So more people were likely at Trump’s rally than the population of the city. The size of the crowd was immense. Official estimates haven’t been released yet, but this story will be updated once they are available.


In other words, not only did they wait all day for him, they drove a long way too! What other President has EVER drawn crowds like this? These are ROCK STAR caliber crowds folks!

Anonymous ID: bee599 May 22, 2019, 1 a.m. No.6556615   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Indeed all we can see is what is outside of that hanger..the inside must have been quite a site to see. Another point here is in a small town like that it must have given them quite an economic boost with all of those people, who knows how many hours they traveled:) Truly a wonderful site to lay eyes on!

Anonymous ID: bee599 May 22, 2019, 1:12 a.m. No.6556644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6658 >>6744

Netherlands Probing If Huawei Is Using ‘Secret Back Doors’ to Customer Data and Spying for Beijing, Report Says


BRUSSELS—The Netherlands’ national intelligence agency has begun an investigation into whether Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei is using “secret back doors” to access customer data, according to security sources. Operatives at the General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD), based in The Hague, are looking into whether the firm has enabled spying on a mass scale by the Chinese regime, the Dutch newspaper Volkskrant reported. In April, the intelligence agency warned it would be “undesirable for the Netherlands to depend on the hardware or software of companies from countries running active cyber programs against Dutch interests.”


They also recommended limiting the use of Huawei in the country’s 5G network and phasing the company—which works with three of the country’s biggest networks—out of much of the existing infrastructure for older 2G, 3G, and 4G mobile internet networks. A spokesman for the AIVD declined to comment on the newspaper report, saying: “We don’t say if it’s right or if it’s wrong. We never respond to questions about possible ongoing investigations because that can complicate our work.”


Bart Jacobs, a professor of computer security at Radboud University in Nijmegen, Netherlands, said the news that an investigation had been launched “sounds like a smoking gun, with possible geopolitical consequences,” according to Volkskrant. The report came as three key EU leaders, including the Netherlands’ Prime Minister Mark Rutte, jointly said they would not follow the decision of the United States to shut the Chinese firm out of the European market completely.


Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel and France’s President Emmanuel Macron also joined the pushback against the United States, saying that if Huawei passes the relevant security checks, it will be allowed to provide some 5G infrastructure. The United States wants to see a total ban on Huawei equipment in 5G networks of allies, hinting that if allies allow Huawei into their 5G networks, there could be less intelligence sharing with them. While visiting the UK recently, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the United States “has an obligation to ensure the places where we operate, places where U.S. information is, places where we have national security risks, that they operate within trusted networks and that is what we will do.” Recent leaked reports indicate that the UK will allow Huawei to provide equipment for non-core elements of its 5G network.

Anonymous ID: bee599 May 22, 2019, 1:24 a.m. No.6556674   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Agreed, once other countries start to chime in, it's pretty much show over. Which is probably why there is so much screaming coming from her CEO father at this point he's watching it crumble and powerless to save it at this point.