Anonymous ID: c16229 May 21, 2019, 10:47 p.m. No.6556292   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Ditto, Wray was asked he had any evidence of the FBI spying. ..

His answer: Me, personally….no I don't personally have any evidence….

He wouldn't, because he's not the investigator and he cannot investigate his own agency, if he had or found evidence in past, he would have already turn every thing over to the OIG or one of the Special counsels… Huber or Durham

Anonymous ID: c16229 May 22, 2019, 12:40 a.m. No.6556586   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6591

>>6555774 (pb) Noteable


QAnon Teams Up With Alleged Cult Leader

The conspiracy theory has a new group of allies: a woman who claims she’s a conduit for a 35,000-year-old warrior god, and her thousands of followers.

Will Sommer

05.21.19 3:45 PM ET

This story originally appeared in Right Richter, a newsletter by Will Sommer. Subscribe now to see what's happening in right-wing media from the safety of your inbox.


The pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory has garnered a surprising number of fans over the past two years, considering that it’s based on the idea that Trump is engaged in ceaseless war against powerful cannibal-pedophiles in Hollywood and the Democratic Party.

Now QAnon has a new group of allies: a woman who claims she’s a conduit for a 35,000-year-old warrior god, and her thousands of followers. Since February, at least three top QAnon promoters have made plans to visit a sprawling Washington-state property owned by J.Z. Knight, a New Age guru whose former acolytes have accused her of running a cult.


Knight claims that she can channel the spirit of Ramtha, a 35,000-year-old warrior spirit who supposedly waged war on the mythical city of Atlantis. Skeptics say Knight’s “channeling” of Ramtha is just her speaking in a different voice.

Cult Education Institute founder Rick Ross says Knight has become “very wealthy” by selling Ramtha-related materials to her followers, who he estimates numbers somewhere in the thousands.


“In my opinion, the group gathered around J.Z. Knight would fit the basic criteria that I would say describes a destructive cult,” Ross said.


Former members agree with Ross’ conclusion and have relayed bizarre practices within the group, releasing videos of Knight ranting against Jews and Mexicans. Knight’s group has denied the allegations.


Since last year, Knight has begun to incorporate the anonymous online clues left by the anonymous QAnon into her Ramtha lore. In one statement from “Ramtha” provided to The Daily Beast by Knight’s group, the Ramtha School of Enlightenment, the spirit declares that the person behind QAnon “is divine intelligence.”


"It is challenging the entire world and the evil network in every country every country — and taking them down,” the statement praising QAnon reads.


Knight’s embrace of QAnon marks the latest bizarre evolution for the conspiracy theory, which has appeared everywhere from Trump rallies to the White House, where the president posed for a picture with a QAnon leader. The conspiracy theory has also been tied to two murders.


Like other QAnon promoters, Knight has begun to make merchandise based on the conspiracy theory, selling hats and T-shirts with “Q” branding. Knight has also tried to use QAnon to sell copies of her book, claiming that QAnon clues are actually signs that people should read her “great book.”


Knight has found a friendly reception with some top QAnon promoters, who have started flocking to the group’s “The Ranch” property in Yelm, Wa. for QAnon-intensive events.

Anonymous ID: c16229 May 22, 2019, 1 a.m. No.6556614   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6641 >>6744

Nipsey Hussle's alleged killer, Eric Holder, has been indicted by a Grand Jury, and new charges have been added … and this could have to do with a problem with the case.


The L.A. County District Attorney had previously charged Holder with 4 crimes, including premeditated murder. The D.A. decided to have the case revisited, this time by the Grand Jury, which indicted him on the 4 previous crimes – murder, 2 counts of attempted murder, and possession of a firearm by a felon.


The Grand Jury added 2 new charges … 2 counts of assault with a firearm for the victims who did not die.
