Anonymous ID: 00ab06 May 22, 2019, 4:33 a.m. No.6557130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7145 >>7242



Just noticed something in an unattributed (no author named) piece from the WSJ dated 5/15/2019. In the "Overheard" column on p. B16 a famous viral discussion in which a scientist refused to drink Round-up even though he'd claimed it was safe enough to drink is mentioned. Bayer/Monsanto's apparent rebuttal is that "glyphosate" (are the purposefully only mentioning the "active" ingredient and not the full formulations?) "is not a beverage and should not be ingested". Hey Monsanto/Bayer isn't that the point? Round-up and glyphosate based herbicides are so ubiquitous that we ARE drinking them like beverages whether we want to or not. Round-up ingredients such as glyphosate have turned up in human breast milk, VACCINES, and many, many food products! If Round-up is not to be taken internally how is it okay to spray it on GMO crops and use it to "dry down" wheat and oats?!

Anonymous ID: 00ab06 May 22, 2019, 4:42 a.m. No.6557151   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I used to make really direct and (I believed, anyway) truthful remarks on some of the "news stories". All of the sudden, they switched to "curated" news stories in which I could no longer share my remarks. Hmm… Problem for most platforms is that the truth is often important to people. Enough so that if they could share and receive truth for a while, having that opportunity taken away makes the platform boring and annoying. I don't use LinkedIn much anymore. It did NOT help my search for employment when I posted a Jon Rappoport blog post critical of the FDA and 3M decided that this was unacceptable. Got a notice within the HOUR that my application "was no longer being considered". The relationship between corporate America and "regulators" is very cozy. Employers actively monitor the social media of their workers, as do potential colleges. This is deliberately used to discriminate against people who are not "politically correct" but who, in my opinion are the salt of the earth (as Jesus talked about) because they will speak the truth even when it hurts their career prospects. Rant over.

Anonymous ID: 00ab06 May 22, 2019, 4:46 a.m. No.6557170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7173 >>7180


The only references I remember were about chemicals in household products deliberately exposing babies to carcinogens. I think you are correct that food and water poisoning were not mentioned. If Q is respectable (I think and hope so) he/she learns from this board just as we have learned from their "Socratic" teaching. Speaking for this part of "We the People", I want clean water, food and AIR.

Anonymous ID: 00ab06 May 22, 2019, 5:01 a.m. No.6557204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7257 >>7330



Guess what is happening on May 23rd. There will be a protest at the EPA against the "off label" use of Round-up as a "dry down" agent on wheat and oats. I did not know until very recently that herbicides used on OUR FOOD could have "off label" applications. When Round-up is used as a "dry down" agent on wheat or oats it is (in my somewhat educated opinion) the same as if you took Round-up, sprayed it on some grasses on your property, killed the weeds and then gathered the dead plants, shook out the seeds, ground them up and made bread from them. We eat ROUND-UP in wheat and oat products!! Is this partly why so many people are "gluten sensitive"? Why "gluten sensitive" people can sometimes eat ORGANIC or "clean" oats?? Is this why some folks are turning off of grains entirely?

Anonymous ID: 00ab06 May 22, 2019, 5:16 a.m. No.6557268   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I obviously can't say for sure but I think Q's behavior on this subject is likely intentional and to the good though it involves a lot of (hopefully) short term pain to people. God is loving, but this earth has been under the sway of evil for a long time and it currently operates by "survival of the fittest". With malice toward none, those willing to address environmental concerns are generally fertile, intelligent and educated. We often are Christian or other religions that respect the natural world. Some people are poor because of bad choices, illicit relationships, etc. Some people have gone as far as to call vaccines "an intelligence test". The survivors of this situation (cabal population culling) should have certain characteristics such as resourcefulness, honesty, compassion and a willingness to "fight like hell" for their families and communities. Sure, Q could start bumping off vaccine executives or "suiciding" EPA folks, but it would be a "black ops" and would not make sure the "right" people stand up and get counted. Believe me, when the WORLD learns the truth about Monsanto, Merck and such it will become a "National Security Issue" to address the scientific fraud and corruption that allowed the approval and use of deadly products, but I think Q is doing the best things to help us. By the way I believe there may have been one cyber incursion (by white hats?) that trashed production of Merck's Hep B vaccine for infants (very deadly) resulting in the use of another company's product. The shot still kills but the death rate is about HALF. I'll dig for the sauce.

Anonymous ID: 00ab06 May 22, 2019, 5:22 a.m. No.6557291   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is the only potential "white hat" cyber action that I'm aware of but its a doozy. Merck's infant Hep B vaccine and Gardasil 9 are essentially murder weapons, in my opinion. I do suspect this was a targeted incursion. American women are being sterilized by Gardasil and Gardasil 9 is much worse.

Anonymous ID: 00ab06 May 22, 2019, 5:48 a.m. No.6557365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7379 >>7589


Yes. That is exactly what concerns me. When my children were small cheerios were a common first "finger food". Parents though "whole grains" were great. Between toxic combined vaccines, routine tylenol dosing and poisoned food, its a miracle some of my children have done as well as they have.


I was a child of 1960s New Jersey and received 3 DPTs in my first year of life. My school class was one of the first to have "special education" and lots of "retarded" (mercury poisoned, I believe) children. As a massively industrially contaminated state, the mercury laced vaccines were a real killer. I think the DPT is the reason we have the IDEA act, but I digress.


My point is that I agree with you and think we have been suffering from many other types of undisclosed poisoning.

Anonymous ID: 00ab06 May 22, 2019, 5:55 a.m. No.6557388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7393 >>7423


Birth rate is down because Merck's Gardasil vaccine STERILIZES women.


Not to argue about abortion. I just think that a lot of women who WANT children have been clandestinely sterilized by Gardasil

Anonymous ID: 00ab06 May 22, 2019, 6:03 a.m. No.6557408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7413


I remember that. Politicians get a lot of campaign donations (legalized bribes) to promote and mandate vaccines. Pharmaceutical companies love this because vaccines are deliberately laced with substances that cause cancer, autoimmunity and allergies. They take our healthy children and turn them into a "herd" for the pharm to use as "cash cows". Politicians should be sued for making medical recommendations into LAW. If I told someone to take or not take a substance and they got harmed as a non-physician I could be sued. Why can't we sue the politicians that mandate medicine (vaccines)?!