Just noticed something in an unattributed (no author named) piece from the WSJ dated 5/15/2019. In the "Overheard" column on p. B16 a famous viral discussion in which a scientist refused to drink Round-up even though he'd claimed it was safe enough to drink is mentioned. Bayer/Monsanto's apparent rebuttal is that "glyphosate" (are the purposefully only mentioning the "active" ingredient and not the full formulations?) "is not a beverage and should not be ingested". Hey Monsanto/Bayer isn't that the point? Round-up and glyphosate based herbicides are so ubiquitous that we ARE drinking them like beverages whether we want to or not. Round-up ingredients such as glyphosate have turned up in human breast milk, VACCINES, and many, many food products! If Round-up is not to be taken internally how is it okay to spray it on GMO crops and use it to "dry down" wheat and oats?!