Anonymous ID: 634074 May 22, 2019, 5:27 a.m. No.6557298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7409 >>7497


ah, the old

captcha is too hard



ya those 20 minute breads were really really useful


why 'do not respond to shills'? because the breads were filling so quickly there wouldn't be anything left if we all tried to respond to them.


'muh Captcha fuckery'


boo hoo, your job as king of the trolls was made harder and so now your like a whanky wheel whine while you wobble away


We shill whine and wobble,

but we won't pipe down.


'civil' 'respectful'

civil and respectful people don't go around telling eveyone else how to interact, and what words that they can use.

they wait for real harm, real fowl, and they deal with that.


the control culture of trama based mind control breaks here.

Anonymous ID: 634074 May 22, 2019, 6:27 a.m. No.6557467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7497



another tactic is the false-narrator who gives you the fake-news narration and tells you who, here, is or is not a shill and links to a post that the 'shill' made, as if they really know. this is a common tactic done here, as exampled by the post here:



You can trust me . . . (facitous?)

I'm an expert (yes, facitious)

I know this because I do it too sometimes. (sadly factual)


parts of this post may have, infact, not been humourous but were at least presented with the effect of 'wanting' humor.


also shills don't do humor (as if you'd know nothing funny in this post at all).

(the parts in quotes are me reviewing my own bullshit)

Anonymous ID: 634074 May 22, 2019, 6:47 a.m. No.6557539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7544


are you the hall monitor today?





who cares what you are, how would you know what other anon thinks?

ah, he dared to question your bully narrative of the poison narration.



even this one was a shill? why? I shall revie (the voice of the big fat gay movie enthusiast

who goes not jsut to see the movie but

to be with the audience (ewwee).


ah, the anon wisely tells you you are being mocked. How dare he cut through the bullshit and not play your stupid game. But mvie crits of the posts anon (that szz me) goes on with it because he's a poly locucious bitch when he thinks that other anon are being bullyied (trolling , that happens, keeps them trained?)



ah, you start the bread by 'cusing someone (''cusing someone' means you call out somoene by name and apply an acqusation against them as if they have done something . . . untoward . . . oh they so big and bad

(is this me still glowing?)

can calls BO a clown.


so clearly, anon if you want to believe this dude, then go for it. But if you think that BO is a clown, so what? is he good clown or a bad clown?

is she a good witch or a bad withc

is she a good . . . . . . or a bad . . . .

and what does good and bad really mean?


everyone has a sense of what 'good' and 'bad' are.

or what is 'evil'


or who the 'shills' are.


clearly this one, who has 21 posts now, is

trying rule by bullying.


He's very articulate and says stuff like

"you glow clown"

Anonymous ID: 634074 May 22, 2019, 6:50 a.m. No.6557554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7586


are you doggie?

asking for my friends.


how dare someone do a literary fart on a free speech board and make fun of the stern disciplinarian division shills.


how dare I!

Anonymous ID: 634074 May 22, 2019, 6:55 a.m. No.6557585   🗄️.is 🔗kun


name hag, please stop

you are not the 'voice of authorrae Tea'

of your own self, let alone the board.


people who go on about how other people are 'blaaahh blahhhh' are usually part of the 'blaaahh blahhhh'-ness



whose fagging



"don't post. you glow. how dare you glow here' let us rule the board. you misspell things."

Anonymous ID: 634074 May 22, 2019, 7:01 a.m. No.6557622   🗄️.is 🔗kun


some other anon one day requested this as a meme


I studied the Jesus message much much more than the old Eygpt message, so the first part of your post don't strike me.

"straight is the path and narrow is the way?"