Anonymous ID: 73b9ec May 22, 2019, 3:06 a.m. No.6556904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6927 >>7007 >>7032 >>7093


>Thoughts about this "free speech" board.


>quality of society Q proposes to reveal.


>"We are going to show you a new world… A beautiful brave new world lies ahead." Q#2450



>Cool story


(((YOUR))) Choice to KNOW.


"The choice, to KNOW, will be yours [end]. Q" Qpost# 854

^^^^^ LOUD & CLEAR /*\ 5:5 MARKER ^^^^^ STAGE SET? ^^^^^

Anonymous ID: 73b9ec May 22, 2019, 3:39 a.m. No.6557006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7033 >>7041 >>7045 >>7048 >>7110

PlaneFAGS got EyesON >>6555265 {23:08:16 (=20} /pb


AutistANON got AlmondsBUZ for ClueSEARCHin

on a real-ated area of interDAST /pb NOTABLE;

then ZOOMlanded on ^^^^^ THIS^^^^^ here:



->APEX of Flight, lines TWISTup interDASTting CO-ORdinates & POI. {see last entry, ICYMI}


<pics real-ated


vvvvv_THIS_vvvvv, caught my "Choice to KNOW"


background on /pb NOTABLEs #8344

>>6525593 #1.a

{Tom HANKS Twatr CAP "WRAP Gifts! @Hankskerchiefs!"} see: >>6548939

>Maybe their running out of red scarfs {Suicide Coincidences}


''>>6525352 #1.b {PRIMARY Incentive to DIGG}''

>On a background of a recreational vehicle and a prevalent moon.

>Note: May 18th is a full moon (pic related) and I'll toss in something else I've been prompted to consider.

>The HRC video that was part of the Q-drop with "EX-rvid5774"

>What if instead of "raw video"…"rvid" actually stands for "RV identification"?

>Just a thought. For that matter, "vi" is 6 and 6th letter is 'f'

>… not hard to get "rfid" (as in chip) out of that


Define RECREATIONAL Vehicle:

-a mobile SCIFF, methods of disappearance

-transportable interstate homebase w/supplies ready

-method of human traffic-ing, drugs/drugging victims, & kid-napping

-mingling with local hoods and scouting targets for ex-communication rituals

-all methods focusing on EVIL SCHITT, etc., get the drift !?!



MI / USMC ENcircleS on "SEAL BEACH."

->APEX of Flight, lines TWISTup interDASTting CO-ORdinates & POI


Peak or Apex of intersection / coordinates:

Long Beach Blvd., West Arbor St. / West 48th, Railway Line, East Arbor St. / West 47th

SWAMP* Critter JITTERz are NOTED for POI:

*Word of GOD Ministries, Long Beach New Life Fellowship, and nearby Creature Comforts;


of HIGH VALUE InterDAST: "Wayside Trailer & RV Park" and moar Parks in vicinity

-SO, any info can be found at location noted for "RV ID 5774?"

-possible SEIZED/Impounded ASSET, this 5774 at location or originated from ??


Are the following InterREAL-ated, as holyWEIRDness is REAL:



Define RECREATIONAL Vehicle \mirrOR/ YACHT:

{BOATfags DIGGs and AnonDIGGins} ALL /pb:

>>6548999, >>6549156, >>6549350 anon digs on Reverie {/pb NOTABLEs

>>6549331, >>6549357, >>6549525 SEIZED/Impounded ASSET? "Reverie" see >>6549156 /pb




>>6525366 /pb

>If it's on this board the FBI has it anon. All alphabet is always here.

>>6525398 /pb

>>>6525366 /pb

I sure as hell hope so.

And I have great faith.

o7 to all /ourguys with eyez on this board. `HELPer Anon's aka M.I.QArmy. >>6548939 /pb

Anonymous ID: 73b9ec May 22, 2019, 3:52 a.m. No.6557041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7052


for re: QPost# 854


>>6525352 #1.b {PRIMARY Incentive to DIGG}


On a background of a recreational vehicle and a prevalent moon.

Note: May 18th is a full moon (pic related) and I'll toss in something else I've been prompted to consider.


The HRC video that was part of the Q-drop with "EX-rvid5774"


What if instead of "raw video"…"rvid" actually stands for "RV identification"?


Just a thought. For that matter, "vi" is 6 and 6th letter is 'f'

… not hard to get "rfid" (as in chip) out of that


of HIGH VALUE InterDAST: "Wayside Trailer & RV Park" and moar Parks in vicinity


-SO, any info can be found at location noted for "RV ID 5774?"


-possible SEIZED/Impounded ASSET, this 5774 at location or originated from ??

Anonymous ID: 73b9ec May 22, 2019, 4:37 a.m. No.6557139   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Saw this. ALL POTUS.


Fun day ahead???!!!



1st Twatr at

22 May 2019 - 5:55:14 AM

2+2(=4) (5) 5+5+5+(1+4(=5))


45 + 45 (=90)


=4, 10, 20


2+2+5(=9) 2+0+1+9(=12)







Hey EVERYDAY has been fun.

But BIG fun ahead.


FRYday Ahead 24 May 2019


2+4+5(=11) + {9+12(=21)}(=32) mirrOR(=23)

Anonymous ID: 73b9ec May 22, 2019, 6:39 a.m. No.6557509   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Comments are odd. One about Magic Mountain?

your sauce on "comments"




>prime location for moving product.



>From Apr Ghost circled Seal Beach


The plane comes in from the Pacific,

banks left at Huntington Beach suburb,

banks another left after passing "BIXBY North" {near "BIXBY KNOLLS -spider web?"},

next left bank at "MAERSK" shipping cranes, continue to CROSS his entry line

near "Huntington Beach"

-looks like a fab place for celeb fans, etc to mingle …

Anonymous ID: 73b9ec May 22, 2019, 6:52 a.m. No.6557565   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>pro GMOs.



this is about: HEALTHCARE


"The Republican Party will be known as the Party of Great HealtCare."


where is Thee GREAT WISDOM:

an ounce of prevention, is worth far more than "pound sand" {NADLER},

a supposed cure from US MEDICAL Industrial Complex !???!


"Let FOOD {GREAT FOOD!} be Your Medicine, AND that MEDICINE BE of GREAT FOOD towards your FREEDOM of HEALTH, Life, and LIBERTY !!!!! {not from PHARMA-kill-YA !!}