Anonymous ID: ba5316 May 22, 2019, 2:41 a.m. No.6556862   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Just went to look. Sounds like you're talking about my post lb–about my making a remark about a Wayback Machine. Wasn't baking LB, just anon. I can speak as I like, free speech is what we advocate here.


If you're not a shill, what matters is the WORK. Not stupid little stuff. Why sow division, create paranoia? You think there's a problem here? Then PRAY about it (you know, part of the Pray-Meme-Digg thing?). That's what others do.

Anonymous ID: ba5316 May 22, 2019, 3:21 a.m. No.6556953   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6958 >>6972 >>7051 >>7300 >>7391 >>7534 >>7580

Post covers four videos with notes for a series on Cali corruption by IPOT. Some videos have been posted/notabled before, but wo/notes. Material pretty hot, may not be on YT forever. If so, the notes will still be here.


Four IPOT linked videos: Long Beach Port, Gun Stash Arrest in LA, Los Angeles Tunnel Networks, San Diego Coronado Island Mansions


This highly informative series of videos ties together suspicious activities in Long Beach Port, LA, and San Diego. Easier to see the patterns with the notes, tho. Good source for DIGS, too, especially the last one.


Very Good Boy" Video 5-8-19 (22 min): on Long Beach Port

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Very recently: China Ocean Shipping Co's company Orient Overseas - sold their shares in Long Beach Port (forced by US govt due to security concerns). In 1991, Bush put port on the closure list; Clinton implemented it. Clinton made sure COSCo got a good deal.


Long Beach Port = Navy property that got sold to the city, then leased to COSCo. Clinton & Gore "had a massive stake in this." Lots of problems with smuggling afterwards, Navy was watchful. Orient Overseas got raided 2017. DOJ served subpoenas to closed-container companies when they met (secretly). One of them was Evergreen [mentions HRC here].


Evergreen shipping line was listed in subpoena; discussion of Evergreen vs Eric Schneiderman. Evergreen mission stmt: It's a NY-based org which support expectant moms in various ways. Mentioned in subpoenas. Had been investigated by Eric Schneiderman for (maybe) medicine wo/a license. ("Evergreen vs Eric Schneiderman")


Who bought shares in LBP? Macquarie Bank and others. So now out of the hands of Chinese.


Strange story of John McCain's dog getting stuck in pipe. McCain died on "dog day" (depending on time zone). See Q 1649. Dog's name: Burma / Myanmar. Discussion of other dog tweets (Benji, Boo, Warren's consumer watch dog, "a very good dog"). Ties to terrorist; mom said "he's a very good body." (~18 min). "Meet the Pets" story.

Anonymous ID: ba5316 May 22, 2019, 3:22 a.m. No.6556958   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6965 >>7051 >>7300 >>7391 >>7534 >>7580


LA Guns 5-10-19 Video''' (~34min)

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Yahoo story: Moar that 1000 guns seized at posh LA mansion in Holmby Hills (near Playboy mansion, Michael Jackson's house).

Tip came in that illegal firearms were being sold out of house.

House owner: Cynthia Beck, who has 3 kids with partner Gordan Getty, son of J Paul Getty


Beck is a long-time friend of Gerard Damien Saenz, the man who amassed the weapons. Arrested by ATF on suspicion of illegally selling them. House crammed with weapons.

Still deciding whether charges filed with be state or federal.


Beck (who's living in Europe) owns several properties with Saenz. She's a mysterious figure. Beck's properties are mostly vacant and neglected although she pays property taxes on them.No pics of her. Where is she? What's going on?


Article: The secrets behind the Getty Center. Article says there may be a "underground city" beneath it. Is this true of all of Beck's abandoned properties? Underground theme: rumors of tunnels have been around for a long time. There are tunnels under UCLA, Michael Jackson's mansion (both are close to property where guns were found). Is there a big tunnel network in this area? Another prop: 718 Bunker Hill Ave: blue house on Alpine Saenz (is there a bunker underneath?). See video #4; there may also be a connection with a Q drop.


Fast & Furious recently settled. (What's that settlement about?)


Q400 Plane from Bangladesh skidded off runway in Myanmar about the same time that Burma/Myanmar died (see "A Very Good Boy" video). IPOT refs back to Q400 in Q post 1846 Aug 12 2018 where airline worker in Seattle stole a plane & crashed it near Ketron Island. Remote controlled? See Q 327 about Bangladeshi currency (complex).

Anonymous ID: ba5316 May 22, 2019, 3:24 a.m. No.6556965   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6968 >>6993 >>7051 >>7300 >>7391 >>7534 >>7580


Honeypot: Hollywood uses them to blackmail celebs forever 5-14-19 (~35min)

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Beck story starts @6 mins. Beck owns vacant properties but which have cars parked by them. Across the street from "gun house" is a big vacant lot. Strange for that area. Lot is owned by British Virgin Island Co./HRP Investments out of New Zealand. Saudi investor Hatton Pharoan was buyer (later sold to group from the Virgin Islands). Phoroan name: associated with CapCom linked to BCCI (assoc w/ drug money laundering & illegal arms deals). On FBI's Most Wanted list (after 1991?). Hatton Pharoan links to BCCI: good summary at ~13min.


Moar on BCCI: where'd all the $ go? Hard to trace. Saudi Arabia, CapCom involved. Hatton Pharoan was a high-roller (deceased). Moar on Pharoan family; sketchy but very high up in Saudi hierarchy. Connection to Colorado School of Mines, military contracts with US military (to supply jet fuel to US forces–this is when he was on FBI's most wanted list, kek). Connections to Saudi intel, Six Senses resort, terrorist orgs. Once owned the the house next to Victor Orban. See summary ~21min. Who else is associated with Virgin Islands? Jeff Epstein. JE is currently building a compound on Greater St James (he lives on Little St James).


What's really going on here? IPOT: has to do with tunnels around Playboy mansion, UCLA, M Jackson's house? Greystone Mansion also close; plus Soho House (exclusive club nearby). Elon Musk map of proposed LA tunnel system. IPOT thinks there's a honeypot in the area; this is not just about gun running but "much, much more" [trafficking?]


'''LA Hall of Records: has elevator in its back. used to take down to tunnel network beneath downtown LA. Tunnels run under govt buildings–courthouse, etc.

Q 158, 160 (11-20-17):

Q158: "What are crumbs? Think Hollywood….Hefner a CIA? What is a honeypot…fantasy land"

Q160: How people are blackmailed by Hefner (gives "something younger," "safe space," but tapes everything. Blackmailed for life by CIA. Q: MAJORLY IMPORTANT.'''


''What's going on? Maybe CIA black ops, MK-Ultra, brainwashing kids, FFs, moving kids around LA in tunnels?''

Anonymous ID: ba5316 May 22, 2019, 3:25 a.m. No.6556968   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7018 >>7051 >>7300 >>7391 >>7534 >>7580


Follow the Saenz 5-21-19 (33min vid)

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Focus shifts to San Diego = major military center

Island of Coranado: has Navy Seal devel. center, Coranado Hotel - fabulous place, built in late 1890; major magnet for the Elite. Also source of many stories…..

Bought in 1892 [Wikipedia] by John D. Spreckels, richest guy in San Diego, owned tons of stuff locally. Spreckels lived at 1043 Ocean Blvd, near the hotel (very large, 40 rooms). Later owned by Maurice (Larry) Lawrence (real estate guy from Chicago; del. to Dems; Clinton appt'd him as ambassador to Switzterland in early 90s); died in 1999.


Lawrence owned 1015 Ocean Blvd, near Spreckels' place ("Van Ness Mansion"; now called Coronado Crown Manor). Was earlier owned by a Navy seal, who sold it to the Pastor family, who made many renovations; some were hidden. Opened it up to public events and Cali elite (eg, Jerry Brown); also various charities. Hosted a lost of water polo teams from all over the world (lots of young people there). Now on the market for $25mil. Wm Sterling Hebbard and Irving John Gill = architects (1902). [this place would be great for hiding people, kek]


1990s: rumors about HRC spending the night wo/Bill in Crown Manor with Lawrence's wife (there was a suit involving Arianna Huffington). After his death, Lawrence got in trouble because he lied about his Merchant Marine service in WW2 (he was actually in college). Norma C. Nichols did research for Lawrence but later realized he was a liar. Nichols was engaged to a contractor doing a renovation on the Manor; later, he an office at 728 N Bunker Hill Ave (Alpine & Bunker). His name: Gerry (Girard) Saenz–the same guy who's friends/partners with Cynthia Beck and who was arrested in connection with the weapons stash at Beck's house (see LA Guns vid above).


711 "A St" Mansion: another large residence (and another Hebbard & Gill home). 1930s: Hollywood's elite partied there a lot = Hanson House. Has a secret passage, vaults. Controversial because it became a home for sex trafficking victims: Generate Hope is the org. Neighbors didn't like it; area too posh for that. Women stayed for a year to 18 mos; awfully long time. Are they on the up and up? [@26 mins: Discussion of possible orgs to DIGG–many are connected with anti-human trafficking efforts but their logos are associated by the FBI with pedo symbolism. Many orgs & their logos are mentioned.] DIGG HERE ANONS.


Spreckels mansion: 2011: a young child died from a fall; a woman (Rebecca Zahau) who was the girlfriend of Jonah Schacknai, CEO of Medicis Pharmaceutical–father of the child–died two days later. She was bound when she died, but the law said both were accidents (hers a suicide); this is impossible. Her family filed–and won–a wrongful death suit against the brother of the boyfriend, Adam Shacknai. Weird story. Lawyers representated Shacknai (Sitrick & Co) were the same ones who represented Jeff Epstein & Harvey Weinstein.


Last: Blackstone Gp tried to sell Coronado to the Chinese (Anbang Insurance Gp), but couldn't because of the location due to gov't security concerns.

Anonymous ID: ba5316 May 22, 2019, 4:09 a.m. No.6557080   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7083 >>7095 >>7101 >>7103 >>7136 >>7300 >>7391 >>7534 >>7580


Here's one name, if these are the same arrests.


Russia: Spy arrests reflect anti-corruption fight

MOSCOW – The Kremlin says the arrest of three senior officers of Russia's top spy agency reflects a no-holds-barred fight against corruption.


Russian President Vladimir Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Monday when asked about the arrests that the Kremlin has coordinated anti-corruption efforts that targeted "all agencies and officials of any rank without exclusion."


Col. Kirill Cherkalin, a section chief in the economic security department of the Federal Security Service, or FSB, was arrested last month along with two other senior FSB officers on suspicion of taking bribes. Russian media have reported that the suspects were found in possession of 12 billion rubles (about $186 million) in cash.


The FSB, the main KGB successor, has wielded a growing clout, and the officers' arrest has sent shockwaves across Russia's political scene.


"published one day ago"

That's the whole article, so there's not much yet.

Anonymous ID: ba5316 May 22, 2019, 4:43 a.m. No.6557156   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Used to sing that at camp….but it's a mil song, isn't it? "they say that in the army…."


But give us a break, anon, about the femanons; there are some pretty nice lookin' baker babes. And some of them are pro'bly here.