Anonymous ID: e203b3 May 22, 2019, 3:31 a.m. No.6556985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6999 >>7018 >>7028 >>7424 >>7534 >>7580

Reposting from yesterday. Grass Valley pipe bomb comey graphic tingled the almonds



with emotionally disturbed children

She might be related to Gerry Damien Saenz who was arrested in LA GUN RAID


I thought Grass Valley sounded familiar.


Anons remember the LA gun raid? When I was digging on the guy that got arrested Gerry Damien Saenz, it led to a Norma Nicholls. The two were engaged according to an old news paper article that just so happened to be the story immediately after a story about Rapin Bill, some Navy Seals and a famous mansion where Gerry Saenz was working in San Diego. Little digging on Norma Nicholls and it turns out there's a Norma Saenz who works at Charis Youth Center in Grass Valley


Norma Saenz and Norma Nicholls isn't a 100% match, but I think they are the same person. Norma works at Charis Youth Center also in Grass Valley. Dig on Charis Youth Center and there is a Charis Ranch in Laporte Colo which isn't that far from Highlands Ranch Colorado.


PB Notable

>>6551683 , >>6551562, >>6551747 Anon graphic on Grass Valley FF timeline


All PB links to orig Gerry Saenz dig








Anonymous ID: e203b3 May 22, 2019, 3:36 a.m. No.6556999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7066 >>7534 >>7580


And there's more


For KEks

Dug a bit more on Mary Dalton arrested for Grass Valley pipe bombs and found an article about her daughter(??)

Ashlee Ann Dalton getting arrested in 2016.

She got medievel in a trailor and stole some weapons for her heroin habit. But doesn't this kind of fits the MO for Fag False Flags? Sorta like they had Edgar Madison Welch by the balls after his car wreck so they made a deal with him to magic bullet Comet's cheese pizza hard drive? Maybe the Dalton family is on the hook for drugs and were 'convinced' to build some pipe bombs.

GRASS VALLEY (CBS13) – A Nevada County couple was accused of having sex inside a medieval reenactment trailer used for storage and then allegedly stole two swords and a dagger worth thousands.


It happened Friday and wasn’t the only crime committed.


Police said that man was arrested for prowling and that same night, another couple down the way was arrested for much more.


“They have been arrested multiple times. At least four times last couple weeks alone,” Sgt. Brian Blakemore said with Grass Valley Police.


Alfred Gonzales and Ashlee Dalton were caught once again only this time, police said they broke into a medieval reenactment trailer across the street, had sex, then stole two swords and a dagger worth thousands of dollars.

Anonymous ID: e203b3 May 22, 2019, 4:26 a.m. No.6557110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7509


just spit ballin but that area would be prime location for moving product. River to Long Beach port. Rail line to Long Beach port. Industrial area with shipping. Golf course empty at night is the only thing between rv park and industrial park


Captcha approved

Anonymous ID: e203b3 May 22, 2019, 5:56 a.m. No.6557390   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>6553079 (PB)


Ipot and I were on the same wavelength for that dig. I hit most of those same sites he had for the crown manor digs. Also Bill banging the widow in the crown manor was MENTIONED in the Paula Jones lawsuit I believe. Pretty sure he was questioned on the matter. Found that on the initial dig but couldn't find the sauce yesterday.


at least two of us are interested in this. Seems to connect all over the place